Is sun poisoning like hives

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The term sun poisoning is commonly used to described photosensitive or allergic reactions such as solar uticaria (hives). [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is sun poisoning like hives
Is this sun poisoning, or hives?
It sounds to me like a heat rash. I get them every time I sweat but I am allergic to the sun and heat. I have been since I was about a year or two old. Every time I went to the doctor they couldn’t find it. Finally at age 17, a doctor told …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is this sun poisoning, or hives?
Q: hello. im 15, and pale, and last year realized I get sun poisoning after being out in the sun too long.For the past two days, I have been laying on my back getting sun, for about an hour. It has been sunny and about 85 degrees.last night, I started getting things that look like hives. A few large, red splotches and white bumps, and a runny nose and sore throat. we thought I was getting a peanut allergy, because I recently had peanuts. Right now, I have them again, and I havent eaten anything that contains nuts or anything that could irritate me. So..Do you think its sun poisoning? I get them alot on my back, and when im outside, im laying on my back, so it gets no sun. This even has my mom (who is a paramedic) stumped.
A: The sun also gives skin cancer remember anything in this world could be an addiction, you are addicted to the sun this is why viruses and bacteria lives on you, As GOD said take only as much as you need. you need to know when to stop
i’m slightly allergic to the sun and my hives are peeling…?
Q: last summer i got sun poisoning twice 2 weekends in a row and my dr told me that it may develop into an allergy to the sun….well, it did, thank goodness its just a slight allergy not a severe allergy. but anyways, i was out in the sun all day, i didnt get sunburned because i was in the shade more than i was in the sun, but the sunlight was still hitting my skin a little bit, just not enough to burn it. i got hives from that, the hives went away a few days ago, but the skin on my arms is still a little bit itchy and now they are peeling right where the hives were, but my face isnt at all and i had hives there too. does anyone know why this might be happening?i developed a slight allergy to the sun when i had sun poisoning 2 times in a row last summer and now i get hives, i was in the sun too long last weekend, and the hives went away now but now my arms are peeling and my face isnt. i was NOT sun bathing, i was the park. i dont sun bathe, i am too pale and i burn easily, it was however not a sunburn, i was mainly in the shade, but i got hives and they are now gone and now my arms are peeling. why is that? and what can i do about it?
A: lotion, lotion, lotion…try something like aveeno for sensitive skin it may help. I have sun allergy too and have almost found a way around it this year by going in the sun during the spring while the rays are not as harmful and building up a tolerance, only problem is I forgot about my back and am now suffering horribly after a week at the beach but everything else stayed hive free for the first time in 14 years. Try looking for info on the web and it can give you hints as to how to control it, your kinda stuck with this unless your body chemistry changes but you can build a tolerance so you dont have such a bad reaction in the future. Good luck and hope this helps.
I need help with my Sun Poisoning…It’s urgent…Help?
Q: Alright, since my other question about sun poisoning wasn’t too popular and wasn’t getting the attention that it needed, here’s this one in hopes that you’ll answer. I’ll give you the ld about what’s happening to my skin-It feels hot to the touch-It’s red and blotchy (legs arms face)-It’s itchy, but I can’t scratch it because when I do it really really hurts.-there are bumps on my arms and legs. They aren’t defined little blisters, but rather they look like hives..I’ll put a picture up if I can.-I’m getting nausea and I have a headache.i’m thinking this is sun poisoning. I put on sunscreen, but it didn’t help. Will you guys help me? I need something to put on/take to make the symptoms lessen and to prevent them because tomorrow I have to paint children’s faces and I don’t want a flare up of this during a session xDI can do homeopathic things,&stuff that can be found around the house. I also wanna feel a bit better by 2nite because there’s fireworks lol HELP!i got burnt just today
A: Do what was suggested in the other question:Aloe vera, cold bath, tylenol for the pain, some pepto for the nausea and lots and lots and LOTS of water. Sun poisoning and heat rash can only be healed with time.
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