Is sleep apnea harmful

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is sleep apnea harmful”,you can compare them.

Sleep Apnea can cause heart risks in children. It can cause health problems in adults. Consult a doctor if someone has it. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is sleep apnea harmful
Is Sleep Apnea harmfull…??
Yes, sleep apnea is very hard on the body. It stresses the body and that can lead to heart trouble. I have sleep apnea myself and my wife was the one who noticed my breathing stopping. I did the sleep study and just that half night of sleep…
Why are sleep apnea episodes harmful?
Every episode is accompanied by a mini-arousal, not remembered, that knocks one out of whatever stage of sleep so that regular episodes will prevent necessary, psychologically and physiologically, restorative deep sleep. Even people with …
How harmful is Sleep Apnea or OSA?
Because sleep patterns are disrupted, oxygen levels drop, heart rate becomes variable and causes excessive sleepiness or fatigue to occur during the daytime. Long term effects are serious if a person is not treated – including high blood pr…

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Can Morphine be harmful to people with sleep apena?
Q: Besides all the other problems my husband has had. He has sleep apnea the doctor had him on pain meds for his arm and shoulder like vicadine, morphine, ultrim. The dr. stopped giving him morphine after a year because it interfered with his sleep apnea if that was the case why did he give it to him in the first place and should they have weined him off of it.I felt there has been something wrong I know morphine is a powerful drug. You take a person who has sleep apnea, sugar, stent in heart, constant in pain, high blood presure, The dr. told my husband hes a walking time bomb and it scares me. Everytime I try talking to the dr they blow me off I just dont know how to get there attention. Thanks for all the info.
A: Morphine is a strong respiratory depressant. It will make sleep apnea worst. It can also dangerousely lower his oxygen levels. When morphine or any narcotics are given the person may not get the urge to wake up and start breathing again. Very dangerous combination. Patients with severe sleep apena can go on CPAP. This is a machine that gives you a breath automatically. It can be very annoying. But what choice do you have.
Teenage Sleep Apnea?
Q: I have been having really bad headaches… Tension in the cerebral area, sensitivity to light and sound. My doctor looked at my tonsils, and saw that they were very large, which is normal for me,… she assumed that my headaches could be caused from lack of oxygen to the brain when sleeping or sleep apnea caused from my large tonsils… Can teens get sleep apnea? And is it extremely harmful for a teen to get? I am only 17… thank you!
A: teens can have sleep apnea. Although its not any more harmful for a teen then an adult, sleep apnea can be very harmful to anyone. start looking for research on the subject and get involved with local studies to find treatments
sleep apnea cures I snore too loudly. A nurse said that’s sleep apnea for sure.?
Q: I snore .How do I stop this? I know that it can be harmful. Is surgery the only answer. I tried some methods. But no luck. there’s got to be a way!
A: That nurse was wrong! Sleep apnea is when you quit breathing when you sleep. & you have to go to an over night sleep test Where they hook you up to Monitors to determine if you actually have it. Snoring can be from several different causes. Snoring: Symptoms, Causes, Cures, and TreatmentGuide to the causes and cures for snoring. Explains the causes and provides a description of the many self-help and professional cures and treatments along … – 41k – Cached – Similar pages Have a look see & good luck with your problem
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