Is scoliosis common

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Scoliosis is about two times more common in girls than boys. Only about 3 in 1000 children need treatment. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is scoliosis common
How common is scoliosis?
About 1 in 100 (1%) of the general population has some type of scoliosis Fortunately, most cases of scoliosis are mild. Scoliosis usually starts between the ages of 8 and 10. Scoliosis that is bad enough to need treatment is most common in …
Is Scoliosis Very Common?
Approximately 10% of the adolescent population have some degree of scoliosis. This means that about 1,000,000 youngsters in the United States alone have scoliosis. Some scoliosis may be so mild that treatment may never be needed, but approx…
What is the most common symptom in scoliosis?
Scoliosis is first identified typically by appreciation of slight asymmetries of the shoulders or hips. Visible asymmetries in the contour of the back, or the observation that one shoulder or hip is higher than the other, are commonly the f…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why scoliosis are more common in teenage girls?
A: Idiopathic (self originated; occurring without known cause) scoliosis in adolescents is the most common type. Some people may be prone to curving of the spine. Most cases occur in girls. Curves generally worsen during growth spurts. Scoliosis in infants and young children are less common, and commonly affect boys and girls equally. (MedlinePlus)Scoliosis is more often diagnosed in females and is often seen in patients with cerebral palsy or spina bifida, although this form of scoliosis is different from that seen in children without these conditions.(Wikipedia)Boys and girls are equally affected; however, it is 10 times more likely to progress and require treatment in girls.(Merck)Scoliosis runs in families, but doctors often don’t know the cause. More girls than boys have severe scoliosis.(MayoClinic)In April 2007, researchers at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children identified the first gene associated with idiopathic scoliosis, CHD7. The medical breakthrough was the result of a 10-year study and is outlined in the May 2007 issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics.
i want to know if scoliosis is common in a certain race?
A: MIGHT have the answer
Is there a really good chance that my daughter could get scoliosis and hyper extended joints from me?
Q: i feel so bad becoause i have both. I know that scoliosis is more common in girls. My doctor said that there is not doubt in his mind that she will have it because me and my little sister both have an s shape curve and both the curves are in the exact same places (mine is just way worse)
A: Scoliosis is not hereditary as such, though some families have a tendency to get it. The cause is usually unknown, which actually means that there are a great many causes and it’s hard in many cases to know what was responsible. There can be genetic defects (not too common), or muscular degenerative disease such as cerebral palsy, polio, or MS, or sometimes practicing certain sports that develop muscles asymmetrically. Or other causes. Some body types may be more predisposed than others. So far there is no consensus as to why females are much more likely to develop scoliosis than males.The common characteristic is that the scoliotic body has imbalances in musculature in the back, and usually also in the lower extremities. You can do something about this. Make sure you watch your daughter carefully, and get treatment (torso brace and physical therapy) if you see it starting to develop.Search the web on Schroth method, which is a physical therapy treatment for scoliosis that focuses on strengthening weak muscles, stretching and lengthening taut ones, and derotating and elongating the spine. Caught early, scoliosis can be controlled and often largely corrected. It’s harder to manage the longer it goes untreated. Your doctor may not believe that physical therapy can help, but do the research and you’ll see.
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