Is ring worm contagious

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Is ring worm contagious”,you can compare them.

Ringworm is contagious and is easily spread, so avoid touching an infected area on another person. It’s also possible to MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is ring worm contagious
Is Ring Worm Contagious?
Very contagious, but can easily be treated with Tinactin.
Is ringworm contagious?
Is ringworn contagious? Yes. Can you catch it from cat dander? Only if the cat has ringworm. If your cat as ringworm you can catch it. If your cat does not have ringworm there is nothing to catch. You can also get ringworm from contact …
How contagious is RingWorm?
If you rub your skin on someone’s skin that has ring worm you’re likely to get it. Its also very easy to get it from dogs. If you have it there are anti fungal creams you can get a drug stores…or you can be crazy like me and pour straight…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is ring worm contagious between kittens and humans?
A: Yes! that’s how people end up with it. Dogs,cats, & horses have it under their fur, we don’t see it and pick it up while petting or grooming. And it’s past from pet to pet easily. but it’s not the big deal my parents used to think. A simple fungicide will clear it up quikcly. You don’t need to see a doctor, you can get a fungicide at any pharmacy including Walmart.
How contagious is ring worm?
Q: I have ring worm on my arm, Can me touching a pillow or a couch make me get ring worm in the future?Please people, actually read the body of the question, just not the title..
A: its very contagious.things like sharing brushes and being close are examples.yes, common things like sleeping on the same pillow or sharing a couch together with someone who has ringworm may give you the risk of getting it as well.
Is ring worm Contagious after Antibiotics?
A: Antibiotics have no effect on ringworm since its a fungal infection, so yes you would still have a active infection.
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