Is it suppose to burn when I pee

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No it is not normal. This could be caused from sexually transmitted diseases, bladder conditions, or urethral conditions. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it suppose to burn when I pee
Is it suppose to burn when you pee after your pd?
It could be a lot of things. The most likely thing is that you might have a urinary tract infection or a bladder infection. Cranberry juice helps with that, and if it’s really uncomfortable, you can get this stuff at the drugstore called …
Is it supposed to burn when you pee?
Depends it might build up if you don’t piss for like a few days but if it burns everytime then it’d be better to tell your parents

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Q: when i stop myself mid-pee it burns is that suppose to happen?
A: First instinct is to not stop yourself. Second is go to the doctor and get the Q Tip treatment.
Is it suppose to burn when you pee after your pd?
Q: I got my period five days ago, and like two or three days into it it started burning while I pee. Now it still burns as I pee I know it’s not normal. I’m trying to figure out if its cause i am allergic to the pads i used ( werent the same as b4)I work with kids and wasn’t allowed to a bathroom break for over 5 hours which sounds bad… maybe that… or idk Im to scared to go to my mother cause she’ll probably think I’m having sex (which i’m not) but thats besides the point Does anybody know something i can do besides going to the hospital … which if it keeps on occuring im going to go on saturday…
A: It could be a lot of things. The most likely thing is that you might have a urinary tract infection or a bladder infection. Cranberry juice helps with that, and if it’s really uncomfortable, you can get this stuff at the drugstore called Uri-stat, which helps relieve the burning and the feeling like you have to pee all the time. Just make sure that you use a pad if you get that stuff, because a little discharge is normal, and the Uri-stat STAINS. (It also turns your pee orange. Don’t worry. That’s normal. It goes away after you stop taking the stuff.) Another indicator of when you might have a urinary tract infection (U.T.I.) or a bladder infection is if you constantly feel like you have to pee, but then when you go, there’s almost nothing there. You may be sensitive to your new pad, but that seems pretty unlikely because those things are made to be super gentle to avoid that sort of thing. Check to make sure that your new pad doesn’t use latex in its construction because you might be sensitive to it. The only other thing that it could be (other than an STD, which is impossible for you to have if you aren’t having sex) is maybe you wiped too hard one day and scratched yourself with a nail or really rough toilet paper. Yeah, it’s really unlikely, but it’s possible. Either way, don’t be scared to tell your mom. Just tell her, “Mom, I think I might have a urinary tract infection, I think I have to go to the doctor.” She most likely won’t think that you’re having sex, especially if you’re really young. If it’s a UTI, you NEED antibiotics. Don’t wait, because that can cause really bad problems for you, worse than just a U.T.I.As a note, if you’re prone to bladder or urinary tract infections, especially when you’re young, you have to tell your employers that you CAN’T hold it for very long. I’d tell your mom about that, too.
Is it supposed to burn when you pee?
Q: It burns when I pee……has for years now. Is this normal?
A: no but im sure you already know that otherwise you wouldnt be asking. stop wasting other peoples time.
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