Is it possible to over sleep

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it possible to over sleep”,you can compare them.

It is definitely possible to oversleep. It can cause headaches, back pain, depression, heart disease and even death. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to over sleep
Is it possible to over sleep?
Yes it is possible and is actually dangerous to your health. When you over sleep you will never feel rested and are likely to feel tired all day. You can also get sick.
Is possible for over counter sleep aid unisom, sleepzz??
Melatonin 3 or 5 mg. You can get it at Walmart, KMart, any drug store or health food/vitamin store.
Is it possible for touring bands to sleep over at the venue??
The general rule is that no one sleeps over at Matilda. However exceptions can be made, like when people are having a weekend gathering of activists from all over the country.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How is it possible to over-sleep?
Q: It is the body’s natural function to sleep if it is tired. So why is ‘over-sleeping’ considered bad if all your body is doing is getting the rest it requires to rejuvenate?
A: It is understandable to “oversleep” if someone is exhausted, but this is something that occurs every once in a while. We are not exhausted everyday. Oversleeping will change your natural body clock, confusing your body systems; something similar to jet lag or hour change. This will make you feel tired, moody, lacy, and affect your metabolism:(digestion, sleep patterns, etc.)For most people, 8 hours of sleep per night is more than enough, some need even less. Try following a schedule and keep your sleeping and waking cycles in order, you will feel much better.
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A: NyQuil! It is ment to put someone into an easy rest.
How’s it possible to sleep with over 4600 women?
Q: I read that fact about Gene Simmons today.
A: If you sleep with 3 women a week, thats 12 a month, and 144 a year, and since hes about 40 sumthin, if he started at 20, so that would be 144×20 which is 2880, okay maybe hes 48, or 50 sumthin, and he probly started at 16 not 20 so add 8+4, thats 12×144=1728 and add 2880 which is 4608…YEAAA I FIGURED IT OUT! so you see, starting at 16 if you slept with 3 women a week up to age 48, you end up with 4608 women who were pleasured, and so much semen…it could probably fill up a swimming pool. Please dont report my answer for saying semen…
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