Is it possible to make yourself sneeze

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Yes. Take a whiff of ground pepper, cumin, coriander or other seasonings to make yourself sneeze. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to make yourself sneeze
Is it possible to make yourself sneeze?
Not everyone will sneeze by looking into a bright light. That is called a “Photic Sneeze Reflex” and not all people have it. Try pulling out one single nose hair. If it almost works but not quite, pull another one. Yeah, it hurts,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to make yourself sneeze?
Q: i kinda wanna know if i can make myself sneeze cuz in the spring and winter time my allergies are CRAZY and they tickle my nose and then i DONT SNEEZE! and i make this really weird face when i think im gonna sneeze and i dont and everybody looks at me all funky…
A: sniff some pepper of course! 🙂
It’s possible to force yourself to sneeze by pressing a part of your nose, but is it bad for you?
Q: I love sneezing. I love the feeling in my nose, I like creating new ones. My latest one is like a thud. It goes “HOOF!”. My normal sneeze is “Ah-chah”. I also created “Shnee”, and when I force myself to sneeze again, I’m actually going to try and say “sneeze”. I wont do it if I find out its bad for me. Could it cause anything to happen?
A: You should repost this in the “mental health” category.
Is it possible to injure yourself by holding in a sneeze?
Q: I hold my nose when I sneeze and people have told me it is bad for me. But I’ve been doing it for over 30 years now, and no problems yet.Should I be worried that some day something will happen?
A: Good quesiton and the answer can very well depend on the unique structure of your body. While some people are more tolerant than others when it comes to physical shock, there are also those who cannot tolerate even the slightest injury.For instance, there are those who are born with hearing problems due to internal ear damage, in their case, sneezing, coughing, humming too loud and like activites will more than likely cause further damage. On the other hand, normal beings with no apparent malfunctions in the eyes, ears, nose and throat regions should not suffer any adverse consequences by holding the nose while sneezing. That is, as long as your sneezing isn’t too extravagant.You might want to pay a visit though, to an otholaringologist and have the physician look at your ears to make sure that no damage has been caused.So while most people should’t suffer from any problmes as a result of this practice, it doesn’t guarentee that you wont.
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