Is it ok to swim with swimmers ear

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Be prepared to wait a bit. It could be as long as a week to 10 days before the doctor says it’s okay to swim with swimmers ear. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it ok to swim with swimmers ear
Is it ok to go swimming while i still have swimmer’s ear if i wea…?
Yes you can but sometimes it will take longer for your swimmers ear to go away if you swim. I did and my ears are fine now
Is swimming ok the day after getting ears pierced?
yes, I’m sure its fine-do not allow her to go into the hot tub, though-the water is so hot in there that any bacteria coming off of people just begins to grow, and most hot tubs are bacteriological soups-very bad places for anyone to sit in…
Is it true that swimming in the sea is OK after an ear piercing??
Strangely, no! Sea water, while it contains salt which is good, has as many harmful micro-organisms as your local pool. Six weeks may seem like a long time in the summer but it is not long in winter.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can I Still Swim Even Though I Have Swimmers Ear?
Q: Ok I have Swimmers Ear in my Left ear.So if I use ear plugs while I swim would it still be safe to swim!!!!!!!PLEASE HURRY!!!!!!!!!
A: You should be able to swim even better with a fancy ear like that! Are you my superhero?
are regular ear plugs the same used by swimmers?
Q: and if I have swimmer’s ear, should i not swim until it heals or is it ok to swim if I have ear plugs, or is it ok to swim without ear plugs even?
A: It is OK to continue swimming with ear plugs with swimmers ear unless you have a very serious case and your doctor forbids it. I have swimmers ear all the time and I consantly use ear plugs. Look for some that are like a waxy material and you can mold them in your ear. They work great.
I want to know remedies for swimmers ear and i want to know if i have it?
Q: Ok, so after swimming i have plugged ears and i can’t hear well, but 5 minutes later they are fine. They hurt sometimes and when i put swimmers ear drops in them it stings really bad. Help!!!!!!!!!What can i do that won’t hurt.
A: Just a capful of Hydrogen peroxide helps too, or the drops called Swimmer’s Ear also helps. Or try ear plugs when you swim.
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