Is it N1H1 or H1N1

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now refer to the current flu out break as the H1N1 flu. Thanks for asking ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it N1H1 or H1N1
Is it n1h1 or h1n1?
N1H1 Influenza A

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it n1h1 or h1n1? (flu)?
A: N1H1 Influenza A
Have you received your H1N1 flu vaccine? Did you have any type of reaction from it?
Q: I just got mine. The doctor said it would be 11 days before I would get immunity from the N1H1 flu.I am over the 24 year age cut off but I have Rheumatiod Arthritis which is an autoimmune disease and that puts me in the CDC’s frist group to get the shot.
A: @ always curious: Have you ever taken a rudimentary microbiology class? This is how a majority of vaccines work. The most effective immunity comes from live attenuated vaccines, in which the pathogen is still alive, but in a weakened state (unable to cause disease). Live pathogens cause a much stronger immune response from the body than dead pathogens.Also, at everybody who claims that this vaccine was rushed out too fast… this vaccine was put together in the same time every flu vaccine every year is made. Influenza mutates and evolves constantly, so every year the vaccine must be adjusted to compensate for the latest strains of the virus. To use this as an excuse is hypocrisy if you’ve ever got a regular flu vaccine.
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