Is it bad

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It is not neccesarily bad, but you just need to give it a rest and let it heal. Thanks for using ChaCha! Good night! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad
You’re not the only Catholic who does that and I’m glad that you know the difference. Maybe one day God will bring you completely out of Catholicism into the truth. You really need to seek God as to why you love the Christian Church instead…
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Q: Can someone tell me why it is bad to leave a car battery on a charger all the time when it is out of the car. How often does it need to be charged when its not being used. Its out of a 99 Pontiac Trans AM WS6? Thanks.Thanks, about how long does it take for the battery to die when its out of the car not being used?
A: if the charger does not have a cut-off switch you could overheat/explode your battery. make sure the charger is a trickle charger which stops charging when the battery is ‘full’.
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Q: My mom is freaking out about it lol. I’m going on my first big road trip wit a couple of friends to see my bf graduate from military.
A: Would rather do it before, because maybe other problems will be seen and fixed at the same time. Oil “and filter”. And usually a garage>not necessarily speedi-lube< will look at fuel filter, air filter, fan belts, hose condition, coolant fluid level, general brake condition(leaks), tire condition, exhaust, and battery/charging condition. Most of it is eyeball work. And what it sounds like when running. (Ear work) Better to be at a garage you know rather left to the whims of the unknown out yonder.
Is it bad to set my alarm at 4:30Am and hit snooze all the way until 6:00Am?
Q: I’ve always sort of set my alarm at 4:30Am and hit snooze all the way until 6:00Am every morning for school. Will this make me more tired?
A: yes because those hrs between 4:30 to 6 am, you’re not having a restful sleep. It’s constantly interrupted, so no REM and it will make you tired and even ages you. Your best bet is setting your alarm for 6 am and putting it on the other side of the room so that you literally have to get up from your bed to turn it off. Also you can try setting it for 5:30 and then snooze until 6. It’s not as great as the first suggestion, but it’s better than nothing.Also try sleeping at least an hour or two earlier each night. That way, you will wake up more rested at 6 am.
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