Is it bad to sleep in your contacts

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it bad to sleep in your contacts”,you can compare them.

Wearers who sleep with contacts in have an increased risk of developing keratitis than those who take them out. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to sleep in your contacts
Yes, your eyes move quite a bit while sleeping, so they could get stuck or moved up or down in your eye. It’s safer not to.
yes it is because the contacts can slip behind your eyes and make it hard to remove or you might even have to have surgery. and by the way the eyes have to always breath and that why they have breathable contacts now but always check with a…
One thing to keep in mind for those who want to try sleeping with them in, is there are certain kinds you should get. I.E. certain disposables that are thinner and more breathable and designed to be slept in for 2 weeks or a month or whatev…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it really that bad to sleep with your contacts in?
Q: Everyone says it’s bad because they get dry and crusty in your eyes o.o But people I know who have contacts say they’ve slept with them in a few hours and it was like they didn’t have them in at all, and my aunt says she’s slept the whole night with them in (the regular kind, not the ones purposely made to sleep with) and it was perfectly fine. I’ve slept a few hours with them in also and they were fine. So if everyone’s doing fine sleeping with them, does it really make a big difference?
A: well ive slept in my contacts overnight many times and never had problems… especially if ive gone on a trip and forgotten my solution. and i have normal ones – not the kind you are supposed to sleep in- ive had them for years
is it bad for your eyes when u sleep in contacts?
Q: i have been sleeping contacts for as long as i can remember. they r not day and night but i sleep in them anyways. is it bad for your eyes, cause nothing happend so far.
A: you are lucky , but if you don’t stop you will get the complications of ischaemia very soon
Is it bad to sleep in your contacts?
Q: I do it and I know people who sleep in their contacts….. Is it really that bad? What can happen??… I use eyedrops.. =
A: I wouldn’t recommend it. Your eyes will be very dry, they may get stuck or you may lose them. I have heard stories of the contacts getting lost in the eyes, but I’m not sure how true that is though.
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