Is it bad to crack your joints

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Yes. You should not crack your joints. You are likely stretching ligaments and losing stabilization of the joints. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to crack your joints
Is cracking your joints bad for you?
The cracking joints/arthritis thing is a myth, but it could do some damage. E.g. Cracking knuckles wont lead to arthritis in later life (unless your gunna get arthritis anyway) but it could lead to your grip not being as strong. Cracking jo…
Why is soo bad to crack your joints?
was always told if i cracked my knuckles i would get arthritis,but i dont know how true it is and i did stop doing it just in case.
Is it bad to crack my own joints?
Yes! While you may feel an endorphin release, which may make you feel better, it is only temporary and is NOT fixing the problem. You may notice that you have to do it more and more to get “relief”. In fact, it may be producing ex…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it bad to crack your joints?
Q: I love cracking my joints because it feels like it relieves stress/pain. i twist my neck to the side to crack it, twist my back, crack my fingers, toes, occasionally knees even! i have heard that cracking your back and neck is especially bad for you. also during the track season i was (and still am 2 or 3 monts later) experiencing pain in my second toe on my left foot and the top of my foot when i walked, ran, or bent it. to crack my big and second toes i often squeeze them together and bend. (without using my hands at all) is it possible it is an overextended ligament due to cracking my toes? thanks in advance
A: If you often crack or pop your neck yourself, it probably means that the joints are hypermobile. The ligaments are a bit lax so the joints move a little more than they should. In response, the muscles tighten up to stabilize the joints. This makes your neck feel tight and makes you want to crack it. When you do that, the muscles are momentarily stretched, they relax somewhat, and you feel better for a while. But when you crack your neck you also stretch the loose ligaments further which makes the muscles tighten up again. It’s a vicious cycle.
Is it bad to crack your knuckles and other joints ?
Q: I always crack my knuckles, back, and neck, but many people have told me it is bad and others say it does not do anything, Does anybody know which was has some truth behind it ?
A: To some extent yeh it is bad, it depends how much you do it.From what I have been told it is where your synovial fluid which surrounds your joints to aid movement goes to the opposite side of your joint. However, when I just looked on wikipedia it said some other thoughts of what the noise can be caused by. Either way, in the long run constant cracking could cause arthritis and other problems with the joints but if you don’t do it frequently over a long period of time you shouldn’t do too much damage.
I heard cracking your joints is bad for you?
Q: I have always heard it’s not good for your health. I can crack my chest, tailbone, and my penis “omg that feels so good” no joke! Does anyone think that would be bad for me?
A: The sound that is heard is simply the release of gas. No need to freak out!Oh, you can break your penis tho! Check out Dr. Oz!
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