Is hydrogen peroxide toxic if ingested

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High-strength hydrogen peroxide may kill or cause serious harm if ingested, even if it is labeled food-grade according to the FDA. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is hydrogen peroxide toxic if ingested
Why is hydrogen peroxide toxic?
ITS NOT if you mix it with water
Is Hydrogen Peroxide toxic?
H2O2 as a pool treatment is neither toxic nor harmful; it actually is good for your skin by oxygenating skin (rather than bleaching and poisoning it). As the elements of H2O2 are only pure water and pure oxygen, it will naturally decompose …
How is hydrogen peroxide more dangerous/toxic than water??
Water is inert. It is elixir of life. But Hydrogen Peroxide is dangerous : Danger! Strong oxidizer. Contact with other material may cause a fire. Harmful if inhaled. Corrosive. Causes eye and skin burns. May cause severe respiratory tract i…

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does hydrogen peroxide lose effectiveness over time?
Q: i remember learning in chemistry years ago that because hydrogen peroxide is basically just water with the extra oxygen atom, that after a certain amount of time passed by, or if it wasn’t sealed properly, it would eventually break down and just become water. about 20 minutes ago i gave my dog some hydrogen peroxide in order to induce vomiting because while he was outside i saw him pick something up that may have been bad for him, and even though i took it away from him immediately and he didn’t get to ingest it, i still wanted to make him vomit just to be sure. However, almost half an hour has gone by and he hasn’t thrown up yet and he doesn’t seem to show any signs of wanting to. could this be because the hydrogen peroxide i used was old and not as effective? i’m afraid to re-administer it to him for fear that it might be toxic, because i saw a few posts online of people saying that if a dog doesn’t throw it up, it will be poisonous to them, but i’m not sure how true this bottle says it doesn’t expire until 10/08, but i think it might not have closed very tightly.on another note, yes, hydrogen peroxide is commonly used, vet recommended method for inducing vomiting in dogs when they have eaten something they shouldn’t have. i actually think its insane how many dog owners DON’T know this, as its something crucial to know that could save your dogs life in an emergency… i’m just worried about the fact that i gave some to him half an hour ago and he hasn’t puked yet, because every other time ive had to give a dog this stuff, it made them vomit almost instantly.. I’m hoping the reason he hasn’t thrown up is just because it wasn’t true hydrogen peroxide anymore.okay, i’m sort of answering my own questions here, but i just read this on the animal poison control site and i think this is good info for anyone who is interested:”3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can be given at home as a first aid step to help remove potentially harmful substances from your pet’s stomach. Other home “remedies” such as salt, mustard, or ipecac are not reliable means of getting pets to vomit, and could actually result in potentially serious complications such as sodium poisoning or cardiac arrhythmias.Generally, H2O2 is very effective, producing vomiting in about 10 15 minutes after dosing; once it has “fizzed”, it breaks down into water and oxygen and is quite harmless. ” found at:
A: It’s not toxic, but you don’t want to make him extra sick in case he does start throwing up. What do you think he ingested? Are you sure he needs to vomit?
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