Is herpes inside or outside your mouth

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Herpes causes small and painful blisters on the lips, gums, or skin around the mouth. It can be in the mouth, too. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is herpes inside or outside your mouth
Can I get oral herpes outside my mouth if I already have them ins…?
It’s possible but not too common to have them on the inside of the mouth, but it’s very common to have them on the out side of your mouth. But just because you have them inside of your mouth, that doesn’t mean you will have them on the out …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can I get oral herpes outside my mouth if I already have them inside my mouth?
Q: I have oral herpes inside my mouth; I’ve had them since I was young, and I was wondering can I still get them on the outside of my mouth?
A: It’s possible but not too common to have them on the inside of the mouth, but it’s very common to have them on the out side of your mouth. But just because you have them inside of your mouth, that doesn’t mean you will have them on the out side as well. Herpes likes to stick to one spot but it can be spread to other locations, so you COULD one day end up with oral herpes on the out side of your mouth too.Just so you know oral herpes is commonly passed by kissing relatives or friends that have cold sores during child hood. It’s very common to have oral herpes 50-90 percent of the world has it but half of them don’t know that cold sores are caused by oral herpes.
what’s the difference between oral herpes in your mouth or canker sores.?
Q: I have sores in my mouth. I went to the doctor and when i went it was just on my lip at the time and he’s like well thats cold sores like herpes stage 1 or whatever it’s called. but now i have a bunch of sores in my mouth, like on my tongue and especially on the roof of my mouth by my teeth. are those canker sores or is that oral herpes, or cold sores. cuz i heard that canker sores are inside the mouth and cold sores are outside the mouth. i’m confused what is what!
A: Herpes simplex, the virus that causes the ‘cold sores’ on the lips and the border of the lips, has two stages. Primary Herpes simplex is exhibited by a full mouth necrotic infection, fever, malaise, and lasts about 5 to 7 days. The severity of the course of the illness is dependent upon the health and resistance of the host. The secondary Herpes lesions only occur on the lips, and the border of the lips. These are recurrent in nature, and are often stimulated by direct sunlight or acid foods, or a reduction in the hosts resistance. Virtually 100% if the population in this country have a positive titer to the Herpes simplex. So it is possible that you are just now getting a primary lesion. On the other hand, it is possible that you have had the primary outbreak years ago, and the ‘cold sore’ which occurs only on the border of the lip, was a secondary outbreak, and the lesions were ‘apthous ulcers’ which can occur independent of the herpes lesions, and are usually bacterial in nature. Hope this helps, there is much more, however I am beginning to bore even myself!
multiple canker sores and white patches of loose skin inside of mouth?
Q: Hello.The other day I woke up with one side of my neck (right lymph node) hurting. Gradually it got a little painful to swallow. Later the next day I started suffering severe muscle aches (head to toe), and my lymph node had swollen and it was very painful. I noticed a canker sore on the inside of my cheek. Later that night, another one appeared on the inside of my upper lip. Througout the night, i developed a fever of 102 and 2 canker sores multiplied to 30 or more all over the inside of my lips and cheeks. I do have a nervous habit of biting my lips and cheeks to the point where they bleed, (had it for years) but never have I experienced so many sores at once. Along with the sores I have large areas of slightly raised white patches of skin. My lips are swollen, I cant eat, the muscles pains and fever went away, but pain is worse in my mouth.anyone else experience something similar to multipe sores? Its not herpes (that occurs on outside of mouth) Could it be Lupus?thanksNote: I went to a dentist today because I was really concerned and I have two impacted wisdom teeth which I thought that was causing the pain and swelling in my lymph node. She was horrified by the number of canker sores I had and said the white patches could be Lupus, but it could be nothing (im hoping just consequence of me biting my lips and cheeks too much). Really, serious answers only please, hopefully someone with a medical background or knowledge or someone who has had similar or same experience.
A: It could be “trench mouth”, something I’ve heard of but know little about.I got tested for lupus and other autoimmune diseases a few years ago – it’s a blood test and takes a few days to get the results, at least.But you need to see a regular doctor right away. Whatever this is, you need to start treating the symptoms. Now!
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