Is hepatitis c curable

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Is hepatitis c curable”,you can compare them.

The use of peginterferon alone, or in combination with ribavirin, points to a cure for hepatitis C. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is hepatitis c curable
The answer to this question is tricky. Through the use of medications and treatments, some are able to completely eliminate the presence of the disease from their bodies. However, this works best when the disease is in its beginning stages,…
It depends on what you mean by “curable.” Some people who get infected with the HCV will develop the “acute” form of the infection which will resolve in about 6 months. For the vast majority of patients who get hepatitis…
More than 99% of patients who were treated successfully with peginterferon, either alone or with ribavirin, had no detectable virus during the follow-up period. Eight patients tested positive for hepatitis C an average of 2 years after trea…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is hepatitis C cirrhosis curable? What are the treatments?
Q: Is hepatitis C cirrhosis curable? What are the treatments?Is it really possible to cure this by liver transplantation?
A: The liver has extraordinary regenerative powers that can regenerate itself after it has been damaged. But there is a point of no-return — and this would be cirrhosis. Cirrhosis cannot be reversed. If large areas of the liver are cirrhotic, then a transplant would be the only option. If only small parts are cirrhotic, then the liver may be able to continue functioning as is.Yes, a healthy liver can be transplanted, but if the underlying cause of the cirrhosis is not treated/cured, it is possible that the new liver may quickly succumb to the same fate (depending on what the initial cause was)
can Hepatitis C be curable?
Q: Can Hepatitis C be curable? I have a friend who says she is cured and no one believes her? Everything i have read says you cant be cured…What is the truth?
A: Yes you can…doctors don’t like to call it cured, it’s really called SVR (sustained viral responder). Usually they will test you once when you finish treatment, once 6 months after treatment and once more 2 years after treatment. 98% of the time if you are still clear 2 years out you are considered permanently “cured”.I just did another test 5 years out and I’m still clear. And yes the doctor wrote on my lab results – “Congratulations you are cured!”Your friend is going to need to explain how it works to her friends and if after that they still don’t believe her…then she needs to get new friends. The treatment regimen changed a lot in 2002 with the release of Pegylated Interferon. It works very well for people with genotype 2 and 3 who have a 70-80% chance of becoming a permanent SVR. Genotype 1 and 4 have a 50-65% chance of permanent SVR.Educate your friends…medicine is getting better all the time.
guide me pls. hepatitis c is curable?
Q: hepatitis c is curable? is it transmitte by living with haptitus c carring people ?
A: Hepatitis C is not curable, but with treatment, some people are able to get to a point that the virus is not detectable in their blood. Hep C is transmitted primarily by infected blood, including sharing needles for drug use. It can also be transmitted by sharing razors and toothbrushes. It is not transmitted by casual contact. Very rarely, it is transmitted by sexual contact.
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