Is hepatitis c contagious

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Hepatitis C is spread by contact with the blood of an infected person.Thanks for using chacha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is hepatitis c contagious
Yes, it is contagious, and is most often spread contact through infected blood.
Hep C is a virus that is transmitted primarily by infected blood, especially through sharing needles for drug use, contaminated tattoo needles, sharing razors and toothbrushes. Hep C can be transmitted sexually, but sexual transmission of H…
Yes. Usually the hepatitis C virus is spread from one person to another by direct exposure to infected blood or blood products, and contaminated needles or other sharp objects. Occasionally, the hepatitis C virus may be spread by: 1.) an …

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Q: is it easy to be infected through sex? How contagious is hepatitis c with sex?
A: Spongebobrogers – try answering questions you actually know something about…Hepatitis B is sexually transmitted not Hepatits C – they are not the same type of virus.That said…NO it is not easy to catch Hep C from sex. It requires blood to blood contact. Meaning an open wound on you must come in contact with an open wound on him. My ex-wife and I were together for seven years and she never got it from me.Just don’t share razors, toothbrushes or anything that could be exposed to blood on a normal basis.I did the treatment in 2004 and no longer have the virus, you should recommend that to your partner try the treatment.
is hepatitis c contagious through ruff sex whilst on your peroid ?
A: how ruff are you talking? I had sex on my period before I new I had hepatitis C..neither of my husbands got my HCV but then neither of them had open sores..its a blood to blood transferbe careful
Is Hepatitis-C Contagious?
Q: I’m sure it us, but how is it contagious? can you catch it through sex?How can you tell if some one has Hepatitis? Can you catch it any other way, by kissing or holding hands?What is it anyway? is it dangerous? what does it do? thanks!
A: It is contagious by infected blood. There is a possibility of catching through sex – although, usually by blood of the infected person to another who have an open lesion. Sometimes this happen with normal sex and not so normal sex, blood of the other to the others lesion. That’s another reason for practicing safe sex. Using the syringe of an infected person is another way. Blood transfusion of unscreened infected blood (which is very rare). Kissing and oral sex is okay as long there is no blood transfer – like open sores from both person.Here’s an explanation from a site I copied:Hepatitis C is a form of liver inflammation that causes primarily a long-lasting (chronic) disease. Acute (newly developed) hepatitis C is rarely observed as the early disease is generally quite mild. Spread mainly by contact with infected blood, the hepatitis C virus (HCV) causes most cases of viral liver infection not due to the A and B hepatitis viruses. In fact, before other viral types were found, hepatitis C was referred to as “non-A, non-B hepatitis.” It is not a new infection, just newly diagnosable and has been widely present in the U.S. population for decades.For some, the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is deadly, but for most of the nearly 4 million Americans infected with the virus, it is not life-threatening.HCV is responsible for 8,000 to 10,000 deaths per year in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The virus is spread mainly through contact with the blood of an infected person. Most people don’t know they carry the virus because they have either no symptoms or vague ones–extreme tiredness is the most common. Other common symptoms are “flu-like”: muscle and joint pain, nausea, poor appetite, and mild stomach pain.
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