Is downs syndrome hereditary

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is downs syndrome hereditary”,you can compare them.

There are3types of DS.1is strictly linked to maternal age not hereditary genetic factors.Mosaicism isn’t hereditary. *more?* [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is downs syndrome hereditary
・ The majority of Down syndrome cases are not hereditary. Only in cases of Translocation Down syndrome … ・ The ability to have children varies among people with Down syndrome (generally they have a reduced rate …
No, it’s a chromosomal abnormality (Trisomy 21) and it’s a total fluke. Either the sperm or the egg had 2 copies of chromosome 21 instead of 1, and it causes there to be 3 copies of chromosome 21 and this causes this syndrome. There is no…
There are 46 chromosomes which are arranged in 23 pairs in each cell of the human body. In 95% of cases, due to a cell division error pair number 23 has three chromosomes instead of the normal two. This type of Down Syndrome is not linked t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is Down’s Syndrome hereditary, and what are the increased risks of it if having a child after 30?
Q: I am aware that 1 in 733 live births is the average statistic.Please include your source of information. Thanks!
A: ②In mothers younger than 30, Down syndrome occurs in about 1 in 1500 births. In mothers 30 to 35 years old, the incidence doubles to 1 in 750 births. Im mothers over 45, the risk is as high as 1 in 16 births. Older mothers are more likely to have a baby with Down syndrome because all the eggs a female will ever produce are present in her ovaries when she’s born, unlike males who produce new sperm throughout adult life. As a female ages, her eggs can accumulate an increasing amount of damage. Because of this risk, a pregnant woman over the age of 35 may be advised to undergo prenatal testing that includes fetal karyotyping★i hope i helped you ★ :Dp.s ①
Is down syndrome hereditary?
Q: I am 8 months pregnant and I just got my latest ultra sound and they said the babys head is measuring unusually big. My boyfriend said that that could be a sign that the baby has down syndrome. Could he be right?
A: No, it’s a chromosomal abnormality (Trisomy 21) and it’s a total fluke. Either the sperm or the egg had 2 copies of chromosome 21 instead of 1, and it causes there to be 3 copies of chromosome 21 and this causes this syndrome. There is no gene for Downs Syndrome. It’s not really passed down from a parent, these people have no idea what they are talking about. A big head is not a characteristic of Downs Syndrome, so your boyfriend is totally wrong about that. There are things to look for on a sonogram when Downs is suspected and they would have told you if your baby had some of the signs. Don’t worry about it.
Is “down syndrome” hereditary? If so are the genes from Mother or father?
Q: My boyfriend has a child who has down syndrome, though the mother, his ex, was 40 years old when she had the child. Her age could have a huge effect on the child. I am thinking of having children with him and am concerned. So is it hereditary or was it caused because of her age?
A: The majority of cases of Down syndrome occur due to an extra chromosome 21 within the egg cell supplied by the mother (nondisjunction). As a woman’s age (maternal age) increases, the risk of having a Down syndrome baby increases significantly. For example, at younger ages, the risk is about one in 4,000. By the time the woman is age 35, the risk increases to one in 400; by age 40 the risk increases to one in 110; and by age 45 the risk becomes one in 35.It is possible that one of the two parents is a carrier of that defect. A carrier “carries” the genetic defect, but does not actually have the disorder. When one parent is a carrier of a translocation, the chance of future offspring having Down syndrome is greatly increased. The specific risk will have to be calculated by a genetic counselor.
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