Is deja vu real

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Conversational Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Is deja vu real”,you can compare them.

E feeling of having been somewhere before is a real feeling. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is deja vu real
Is Deja vu for real?
there are theories on deja vu, i think the most convincing one is that we actually have experienced a certain situation that we’re having deja vu about, but at the time we weren’t paying attention so the memory of it is disjointed. so when …
What is deja vu?
While living in a third dimensional body we can only access between 2 to 5% percent of our mind. The rest of the mind scientists refer to as “junk DNA.” This DNA is referred to in this way because science cannot explain the uses o…
What does Deja-Vu means ?
The phrase “deja vu” is French for “already seen” and is used to refer to when a person experiences the feeling that they have seen, experienced, or been someplace before even when they are sure that that is not really t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is deja vu real? do people really dream what happens in real life before it happens?
A: I learned in psychology that deja vu is not considered to be ‘real’, its just something that clicks in your brain & makes you feel like you’ve been there before, but you probably haven’t. However, sometimes I dream about things and they happen, so I don’t know how to explain that. There is a lot in this world that needs to be explained!
is deja vu real or not?
Q: is deja vu real been wondering for a while its been bothering me for a while
A: Deja Vu is the sense of feeling as though you have seen/been to/experienced something before. It is real in the sense that many people experience this feeling but it is not real in the sense that one actually HAS seen/been to/experienced the thing. Ex. Today, I felt as though I’d seen my friend Lucy fall out of her chair like she did in Spanish today, but in actuality, I’d never seen it before.
Do you believe that telepathy and deja vu is real?
Q: I get a feeling that certain things have happened to me before in a different place and time when I am confronted with it. I have either done it, heard it or said it before. Are this “characteristics” true to our lives?
A: Hi AmiriquoiShort answers: “No” and “Yes”.But they aren’t related, as you seem to be suggesting.”Telepathy” is the hypothetical ability to somehow “read” someone else’s mind. “Deja vu”, as you rightly say, is the feeling that what is happening to you now has happened before.We cannot tell for sure what causes deja vu, though we do know that very mild epileptic episodes can cause someone to feel they just experienced deja vu.The problem is, you can’t just stick someones head in a brain scanner and order them to experience deja vu. In fact for most of us, genuine deja vu (as compared to just having two genuinely very similar experiences, as Not gh3y suggested) is a very rare experience.Here’s one possible explanation:Sensory messages coming into the brain are actually duplicated, and each copy goes a different route. But one route is slow, and one route is faster.Most times the slower version of a message still gets processed quickly enough that we recognise we’re get two copies of the same message.BUTOccasionally one copy gets slowed down to such an extent that it doesn’t reach the processing area until the other copy has been completely processed. Even though the delay may be very short in actual time, in such a situation the brain may be fooled into thinking it is getting messages about two separate events – which happen to be exactly alike.Depending on how long the message is, we might even remember “what comes next” before we’ve finished processing the second copy of the message. Which is likely to make us even more convinced that “it has all happened before, just as it’s happening now.”If this is true, then thinking that these events have happened before, but in different circumstances, is probably just your way of trying to make sense of the experience, because you know how unlikely it is that you will have really done exactly the same thing twice in quick succession.
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