Is crohns disease

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is crohns disease”,you can compare them.

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. For unlimited Q’s call 800-224-2242. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is crohns disease
Is it Crohns Disease?
Hi my son has crohns and has had it for 5 years. All the symptoms you are describing coinside with Crohns, Asocol is a medication to help with the inflammation, Crohns is very controlable, sometimes you may have to try different meds to see…
What is Crohn’s disease?
Crohns disease is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the intestines. It can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus. It most often causes ulcerations in the large and small bowels, typically at the joining of t…
Acupuncture And Crohns Disease – Does It Work?
You can have Crohn’s disease for quite a long time before your doctor figures out what is wrong with you and gives you the correct diagnosis. This is because the disease has many confusing symptoms, and it can be diagnosed as many other thi…

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Crohns Disease is the Anal Gas Infestious Like a cough to People ?
Q: A new friend , has Crohns Disease and has gas that’s really terrible ,is that gas? have a communicable infectious Disease that can spread to innocent bystanders ? The smell hurt my nose and now i have a sore throat.
A: nope just unpleasant – my dog just farted and is now wafting it around with his tail
What are the symptoms of Crohns disease?
Q: I was diagnosed 6 months ago with Crohns Disease. By the time of my diagnosis, my colon had already abscessed and perforated and I had to have surgery to remove 3 feet of my colon. What symptoms should I keep an eye out for in order to prevent this from going so far again?
A: Go to there is all the info you need .Great site .
Can walking pneumonia make somebody with Crohns disease die?
Q: My grandmother who is 63 has had Crohns disease for about 30 years but is in relatively good health otherwise. She just caught walking pneumonia and I am terrified this will cause her Crohns to get worse and kill her. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
A: No she shouldn’t die from it. I’ve had crohn’s for 21 years & i’ve had bronchitis before & it never affected my crohn’s. Walking pneumonia is a very mild form of pneumonia so your grandma should be fine.
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