Is blood in your stool bad

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is blood in your stool bad”,you can compare them.

Yes, typically blood in your stool is a sign of a more serious condition, and should be looked at immediately by your physician. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is blood in your stool bad
Is it bad when you have blood in your stool?
its bad,it may indicate that u have a deadly condition like e.coli or cancer
Is bright red blood in your stool bad?
Not necessarily. It could be from hemorrhoids, which is swelling and inflammation of the rectal/anal area. If so, there are OTC medications to treat them, which will shrink them, and help with the pain and discomfort. But it could be someth…
Could it be bad if i have blood in my stool?
hello i have also experienced blood in my stool and do regularly in the past the doctor has always told me that when the blood is bright red and not black indicating that it had been digested and from up high it may indicate the presence of…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it bad when you have blood in your stool?
Q: i just used the restroom and had blood in my stool what does that mean is it bad?there was a good amount not a lot but it was still there nice chunks of it should i call my dr?
A: its bad,it may indicate that u have a deadly condition like e.coli or cancer
Is it bad to have blood in your stool?
Q: There is blood every time I go.
A: The underlying cause for tarry or bloody stools should be found out. If it is a symtom of colon cancer, it is very serious. COLON AND RECTUM-cancer symptoms.1. Change in ordinary bowel habits.2. Change in appearance, size, and consistency of stool.3. Bleeding on moving bowels.4. Dark red blood in stools; tarry stools.5. Increasing difficulty in moving bowels.6. Distension of abdomen.7.Abdominal cramps, often colicky.8. Episodes of vomiting, sometimes of fecal material.9. Unexplained anemia.10. A lump in the abdomen (a late sign).Consult a gastroenterologist.Please see the web page on Bloody or tarry stools and Fecal occult blood test.
is it bad to have blood in your stool sometimes?
Q: i get blood in my stool SOMETIMES and most times it’s just because im constipated and i force it out anyway… do i need to check it out? (i work at the gastro lab in the hospital and i think it will be awkward for my coworkers to see me as a patient, hehe)i meant blood AROUND the stool … (thanks for the point)
A: Blood IN your stool is bad, blood surrounding your stool can be rather normal. You probably have a fissure, which is a small tare in the rectum that causes you to bleed when you are constipated. Its kind of like a cut that heals up but when stretched opens again, or it could be hemorrhoids. I would ask your doc what he thinks just to be sure but chances are you are fine.
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