Is being gay a disease

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Conversational GLBT .We found some answers as below for this question “Is being gay a disease”,you can compare them.

Some think that homosexuality is a choice, while others think homosexuals are born that way. Thanks for texting ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is being gay a disease
Is being gay a disease?
Of course not, it means your not normal, i don’t remember reading that Noah took 2 gays on board.
Do you consider being gay a disease?
Well, it certainly is something peculiar. People always say it’s perfectly normal – well it isn’t perfectly normal. Very few people are gay and most people are ordinary so you have to regard yourself as unique. You have to live through it a…
Is being gay a disease?,and what does science say about it??
Years ago they did consider being gay a psychological disorder. Many years ago they proved that to be untrue, and took it off the disorder lists. Most believe that men are actually born in women’s bodies and viceversa. No your mom could not…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If being Gay is a disease, why aren’t people more supportive in helping to find a cure?
Q: Why is there so much Gay bashing on Yahoo? Shouldn’t people be kind to gays and help them find a cure? I mean there is nobody bashing Cancer victims on yahoo. Why isn’t there more of a support system for these people?
A: Because cancer victims are respectable.
Is being a gay natural or Disease or genetic disorder & What is the treatment to get rid of it?
A: According to a recent research investigation by Harvard University, it was discovered that homosexuality is likely to be caused by exposure to forms of nuclear radiation. This form of behaviour has been found in fruit flies exposed to the radiation.Unfortunately, there is no solution at this day and age. But hopefully we will find a cure for this problem soon.
Is it true that being gay can be transmitted by genetics or be a genetic disease?
Q: Some people say that you can be gay if another one from your family was gay first. They consider it as a genetic disease. Could it be true or not? What do you think?
A: It has been proved that homosexuality is a genetic trait and not able to be controlled. Being gay is NOT a disease. A disease can be treated with medications or therapy – homosexuality cannot and those that are gay should not be forced to believe this.
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