Is aids a virus

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HIV/Aids is a virus that a condition in humans in which the immune system begins to fail, leading to life-threatening infections. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is aids a virus
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Yes,Its a Virus because HIV Causes it which stands for Human immunodeficiency virus Definition of a virus is a disease that never goes away which is aids! im doing it for school too :]
On the basis of his experience with retroviruses, Duesberg has challenged the virus-AIDS hypothesis in the pages of such journals as Cancer Research, Lancet, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Nature, Journal of AIDS,…

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Can a person born with the AIDS virus transmit the infection to a partner?
Q: I have been kind of curious about this, as my best friend has congenital AIDS, contracted it at or before birth as it goes. Recently, there have been an increasing number of people (interested men more specifically) asking about her condition.I would like to know if because it is congenital, does that mean that it is less likely to be transmitted or are the chances equally likely as someone infected through sexual activity?Additionally, if they are on medications to suppress the virus and its effects, does that lower the risk of transmission? Does having protected sexual intercourse limit the possibility of transmission?
A: absolutely it can be transmited. AIDS is AIDS regardless of how it was acquired. there are medications that slow the progression of the virus known as “the cocktail.” it does not mean a person has less of a chance of getting the virus. protected intercourse with condoms can prevent the transmission of the AIDS virus but nothing is 100% effective.
What do you know about the Feline Aids Virus?
Q: I have an FIV positive cat. He doesn’t have feline aids just the virus. He is not sick but is on preventative medicine. He is 8 going on 9. I want to find out as much information as I can about this.Interfuron for life.I only have indoor cats. I do not allow them outside.My other two cats have not contracted FIV. Blood work was just done Lorne is four. Cloey was nine she passed last month. She never got it in her ten years.
A: my cat has had that for years now probably 5 and she was older when we found out, somewhere around 7 maybe. and she is fine, she hasnt had any problems. there is no difference in her. still just as mean as could be, but somehow adorable.
Do you think the aids virus is a result of human action?
Q: Super bugs such as MRS have come into existance because of our over use of anti-biotics. I was wondering if we’ve done something that has created the aids virus.matt, I am a nurse and worked in hospitals MRSA means staph aurus that is resistant to the anti-biotic methycillin thus the term, Methycillin Resistant Staph. Auri. It has been disputed but generally believed that the frequent exposure of staph auri to anit biotics (Methycilling) has caused this virus/bacteria to become resistant. Staph A. is part of the normal flora found on the skin throat and mouths of almost everyone, but when colonized it can cause infection. Dr’s have now cut back on prescribing anti biotics for fear of breeding other super bugs that are penicillin resistant. The reason why mrsa is so prevelant in hospital wards is because of the careless use of ani biotics.
A: HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) is a descendant of various strains of SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) in certain groups of primates in Africa and possibly Asia. We know this by looking at the genetic code of SIV and HIV and from that can make educated guesses as to when SIV jumped to humans.As far as how SIV first infected humans… it was not likely from someone having sex with a monkey. Think about it…. primates are a food source for people. Hunters therefore are at risk as they can be (and usually are) exposed to blood from the monkey while securing or butchering the animal. That is probably the most likely route of transmission. The whole “sex with monkeys” idea is simply another way to stigmatize HIV/AIDS and smells of racism. HIV is a retrovirus and retroviruses are very widely dispersed in nature, having been described in virtually all vertebrates, mollusks, insects, and other invertebrates. Analysis shows that all retroviruses seem to share a common ancestor that could very well have lived millions of years ago.The timeline of when exactly HIV jumped from primate to human has not been proven conclusively, but last year a researcher proved that HIV originated in chimpanzees from a small corner in Cameroon. (Dr. Beatrice Hahn)
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