If your dog gets worms how could I get them from him

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Humans can get worms from dogs when the eggs are transmitted through the dirt or feces. The human would have to ingest the egg. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-your-dog-gets-worms-how-could-i-get-them-from-him ]
More Answers to “If your dog gets worms how could I get them from him
How do dogs get worms ?
How a dog gets infected by worms depends on the kind of worms the dog has. There are a lot of different kinds of worms that live in dogs. All of these kinds of worms are called parasites because they feed off the dog instead of living on th…
How long until a very sick dog with worms gets better??
Hopefully the vet gave you a program to get your dog healthy…feeding, etc. What kind of worms? My puppy has round worms right now but she was never that sick. We gave her the second round of dewormer and then she got diarrhea and start…
Can dogs get worms from eating a RAW diet?
Your dog won’t get worms from eating the raw meat, but you have to be really careful about what meat you buy. Raw meat is always tainted with bacteria like e-coli, but cooking it normally gets rid of that. Your dog will always need to be wo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Could my dog have worms, and how could I rid him of them myself?
Q: A few months ago I got a dog from an Animal Shelter, and now I believe he may have worms because his appetite has increased but he’s losing weight, he scoots his butt on the floor occasionally, and he also vomits up a white foam from time to time. I want to treat him for them myself, what would be the best medicine to give him to treat preexisting ones and prevent future ones? Also, where can I find this medicine.
A: Take him to a vet, to verify that it is worms. I have never heard of vomiting white foam as a symptom of worms, but the rest sound like it. Before you try treating it yourself (and i’m not sure there is an over the counter treatment), you should be sure of what it is.
If your house dog gets worms could you get them? if so what would you do?
A: Yes, people can get parasites from pets. Read books by Hulda Clark about parasites. There are herbs or medications etc that you can take to get rid of parasites.
Our dog has little red worms. we gave him Medicine from the vet and he tested clean. he has them again..help?
Q: our dog has worms and we took him to the vet. The vet said that she was clean. Now she has them again. Now they are little red worms. why does this one dog keep getting worms. We have another puppy that never gets worms and we have three other grown dogs without worms…any ideas
A: have you ever tried Collidial silver you can get it at the local health stores. I used it on my dogs worms and it cleared them right up I would give it a try. it is a natural anti biotic. Good luck
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