If you have a sore in your mouth what could it be

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Canker sores are shallow, painful sores in the mouth. They are usually red or may sometimes have a white coating over them.ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-have-a-sore-in-your-mouth-what-could-it-be ]
More Answers to “If you have a sore in your mouth what could it be
What Causes Mouth Sores?
What Causes Mouth Sores? Many people suffer from some type of mouth sore–whether it’s an aphthous ulcer, commonly called a canker sore, a bite on your tongue or cheek, wearing braces or loose dentures* or a sore from eating spicy or sharp …
What causes canker sores in your mouth?
“Canker Sore Causes No one knows what causes canker sores. The vast majority of people who develop canker sores do not have another problem as the cause. * The disease is suspected to result from a reaction of the immune system. * Addi…
How to Get Rid of Mouth Sores
・ 1 Apply some topical paste on your mouth sore. Topical over-the-counter or prescription creams such as… ・ 2 Rinse your mouth with prescription mouthwash. Prescription mouth rinses containing steroid dexamethasone… ・ 3 Ask your doctor …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What could a large sore in the roof of your mouth be?
Q: I’ve had this for over a week. Very sensitive when I eat. I’ve been to the doctor. She said she’d never seen anything like it. It isn’t thrush, it isn’t from burning it with hot food, it isn’t an ulcer. She gave me Magic Mouthwash (Script) and it doesn’t seem to be improving. Any ideas as to what it could be? And, where do I go next?
A: It’s a canker. Treatment is usually not necessary. In most cases, the canker sores go away by themselves. Canker sores usually heal on their own. The pain usually decreases in a few days. Other symptoms disappear in 10 to 14 days.If you have a canker sore, you should not eat hot or spicy foods, which can cause pain. Mild, over-the-counter mouth washes or salt water may help. There are over-the-counter medicines that soothe the painful area. These medicines are applied directly to the sore area of the mouth.To speed up healing, try mixing 1 part hydrogen peroxide and one part water and apply it to the canker sore with a cotton swab. Then dab a small amount of milk of magnesia on the canker 3-4 times a day. This also helps relieve discomfort.Apply home treatment and call your health care provider if symptoms of canker sores persist or worsen, or canker sores recur more often than 2 or 3 times per year. Call your health care provider if symptoms are associated with other problems such as fever, diarrhea, headache, or skin rash.http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000998.htm
What could be the cause of a large and bleeding sore on roof of mouth?
Q: My dad suddenly noticed a large, flat, red sore on the back of the roof of his mouth. It started bleeding and now he’s at a walk in clinic. What could be the cause of such a sudden outbreak? He did start a new medication, but I’m unclear right when he started it. But, he said in the meds, it didn’t list a mouth sore as a side effect, so who knows. I just hope everything is alright with him. he’s on a couple medications.
A: so many things -rinse with peroxide, brush & floss, and go to an urgent care.
I have a small mouth sore on the inside of my lip. It is black in color. What could it be ?
Q: Its different then any mouth sore I have had. I am a little worried and its 10 PM at night time on a Friday night so cant do much there.
A: It’s a blood blister.
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