If you have a concussion can you go to sleep

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Rest is the best way to recover from a concussion. Check with your Doctor on whether or not you should sleep for long periods. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-have-a-concussion-can-you-go-to-sleep ]
More Answers to “If you have a concussion can you go to sleep
Do i have a concussion? Should i go to sleep?
It does sound like you may have a head injury. If you live with someone sleep is ok BUT if you cant be woken up easily then you may have problems. You should go to and ER to get checked over to be safe.
What happens when you have a concussion and then go to sleep??
The problem is that is not possible to judge the level of consciousness of somebody who is asleep. Head injuries can cause either hematomas (pools of blood from burst vessels, often referred to as clots because they clot soon afterward) or …
How do i know if i have a concussion?Should i go to sleep??
okay, first off before going to sleep you need to make sure you are okay. it is good that your pupils are responding to light. best thing to check, is to have someone move their thumb back and forth in front of your eyes, and you are to fol…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens when you have a concussion and then go to sleep?
Q: I didn’t hit my head or know anyone who hit their head, I’m just curious because I always hear people saying if you have a concussion or hit your head and think you have one, don’t go to sleep. What happens if you do?
A: The problem is that is not possible to judge the level of consciousness of somebody who is asleep. Head injuries can cause either hematomas (pools of blood from burst vessels, often referred to as clots because they clot soon afterward) or brain swelling. Either one can be effectively treated in an operating room if caught when symptoms first appear but can cause serious brain damage or death if untreated.
i hit the back of my head about 9 hours ago. possible mild concussion. can i go to sleep now?
Q: this happened nine hours ago and hit it pretty good. there is a painful lump on the back of my head too.is it okay to go to sleep now? i realy dont know if i even had a concussion or if i am being a hypochondria. no nausea or anything like that. just alot of pain at the site.
A: You hit the back of your head, it hurts, and you have a lump?Did you have a concussion? Concussion is one of the most misused terms on YA. A concussion means you had loss of consciousness or other alteration of mentation (e.g. confusion, amnesia, etc.) with the trauma. Can you have problems later if there’s no concussion – yes. If you had a concussion does it change anything – yes, but only in the sense that the trauma was sufficient to give you a concussion. Other persisting neurologic issue may or may not be present and getting evaluated after concussion is usually a good idea. Concussion is often confused with “contusion” which is a bruise on the brain. You can have a concussion without a contusion. Can you go to sleep? No one here can give you an answer that you are completely safe. However, the main reason that head trauma patients are told not to go to sleep is due to the risk of epidural hematoma. The classically described presentation is a patient who remains lucid after a trauma but then has slow arterial bleeding with blood collection on the outside of the brain. This collection of blood can build up pressure on the brain and can be fatal if not treated. Often the first sign of this pressure is…sleepiness. However, that is most commonly with trauma to the temple area, the “classic” presentation is actually only seen in about 20% of cases where this bleeding occurs, and usually this becomes apparent in under 9 hours though progression has been seen up to 24 hours later. It sounds like you had a rather uncomplicated bang on the head and it sounds like your risk is very low. However, no one here has enough information to give you direction – YOU need to decide if you want to get evaluated for it.
How do i know if i have a concussion?Should i go to sleep?
Q: I got hit in the eye area with an elbow playing basketball at 10:40pm. i couldn’t really see correctly. My vision was weird and i felt dizzy as i continued to play. My pupils are not dilated and respond to light. I feel kinda weird, but I’m not sure if its all the strenuous running around. Its 11:52PM you think i am good to sleep. Im tired. And i kind of have this headache lingering softly.
A: okay, first off before going to sleep you need to make sure you are okay. it is good that your pupils are responding to light. best thing to check, is to have someone move their thumb back and forth in front of your eyes, and you are to follow the thumb with your eyes. the dude with the thumb has to look at your eyes, if they are jerky, its bad. but if they move back and forth with your thumb, then your all good and you dont have to worry. to me it sounds like you had a mild concussion.. but i am not a md ..
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