If a man has HPV is there a cure

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There is no cure for HPV, but warts and cell changes can be treated. Seek the advice of a medical professional. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-a-man-has-hpv-is-there-a-cure ]
More Answers to “If a man has HPV is there a cure
Does hpv in men Cure itself such as it does in women??
It can take several months to be present in your body enough to manifest as warts. However, you can remove the warts and symptoms but it is never cured. As of yet
Does the HPV Vaccine Work in Men?
Hi , Penile warts are curable and a man can develop HPV. To read more about this subject please click the link below: http://familydoctor.org/209.xml Please click the green accept button if my answer is helpful to you. A positive feedback r…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does hpv in men Cure itself such as it does in women?
Q: so i recently found out my ex girlfriend of a few months has HPV and she had not been active with anyone except me since then. and im worried that i may have it too. i havent been active with anyone else since her but i also never exibited any of the signs that hpv carries and neither did she except for an abnormal pap, but then again males usually dont and theirs no way to test a male for it. so im wondering since womens immune system normally take care of hpv within a year or two if the same applies for men…or if anyone even knows? its really confusing
A: It can take several months to be present in your body enough to manifest as warts. However, you can remove the warts and symptoms but it is never cured.As of yet
Is there any latest news on the ” tree man”–is his treatment for HPV successful?
Q: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1569156/Tree-man-%27who-grew-roots%27-may-be-cured.htmlI have not been able to find any update about the treatment for this poor man.
A: As far as I know they did treat him – cut off some of his warts and what not- and are still waiting it out to see if they will grow back and what not.http://raeshs-opinion.blogspot.com/
how to cure hpv in men?
A: there is no cure, just remediation
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