How serious is urinary tract infection

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How serious is urinary tract infection”,you can compare them.

Urinary tract infections in children are more likely to be serious than those in adults and should not be ignored. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How serious is urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infections can be painful. But medicine can keep them from becoming a serious threat to your health. The kidneys can also be infected, which can be a more serious problem. Kidney infections usually require an antibiotic for a …
Complications of Urinary tract infections: see complications of Urinary tract infections
I added this edit to my other answer. I am putting it here in case you don’t get the other one. A UTI can become serious, as yours now is, if not treated by this stage with anti-biotics. The infection, depending on your immunity, can someti…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When is it OK for me to start working out again after a pretty serious urinary tract infection?
Q: I had a pretty serious urinary tract infection, they had to give me some pretty strong antibiotics for me to even start feeling relatively better. I’ve been taking these ones since Monday, feel MUCH better, but it is a 14 day supply they’re giving me. How long should I wait before I start working out again?
A: If you feel better, you can start now. Just make sure you drink LOTS of water and pee VERY often.
How serious is a urinary tract infection in a cat?
Q: i mean obviously it needs to be fixed but is it a simple thing or is it really serious
A: UTI infections are usually not seriousas long as you treat the cat with antibotics.Untreated, UTI will kill the cat.
Could a urinary tract infection turn serious?
Q: Made a call into my dr. and he isnt in today.. I am worried that it can turn serious if not treated right away. Every few times I go to the bathroom it has a pinkish tint. There is a bit of pressure too.. Someone told me that it could be a sign of pregnancy but I never heard of that.. Any ideas?
A: It does not necessarily have to be treated this very second, but it does need to be treated, as it can damage your kidneys badly. Since your doctor is not in today, I would recommend drinking lots of cranberry juice and water until you can see him/her. The pinkish tint is no good it usually means blood in the urine which I am sure you have already guessed. This is a common thing that happens when you a UTI. It’s caused by irritation in the urinary tract and/or bladder. I’ve had many, especially during pregnancy. The pressure is pretty much a sure sign, or it has always been a reliable indicator for me. The influx of liquids will help to keep the bacteria from growing as fast as long as you make sure you drink at least a gallon. The receptionist should be able to schedule an appt for you tommorrow or ASAP when the doc comes back. If the doc will be gone for more than 2 or 3 days then you should ask who handles his patients while he’s gone and see that person. Good Luck.
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