How much bleach do you have to drink to kill you

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Any amount of bleach will hurt you. One cup or less will kill you. Thanks for using ChaCha and have a great night! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much bleach do you have to drink to kill you
How much bleach would you have to drink to kill you??
Any amount of bleach will hurt you. I know a woman that chugged bleach in an attempt to kill herself. She didn’t die, but did have to have a Treacheotomy, and now has a big hole in her neck. In addition to the hole, she is unable to speak. …
How much bleach can you drink without it killing you??
Wait a second here. Bleach is chlorine. Chlorine is used to purify water and kill germs. The answer is, you can drink a LOT of bleach if it’s diluted by much much much more water. Most of our water has a few drops of chlorine in it.
How much bleach drank directly, will kill?
Extreme, prolonged pain, and vomiting blood. If you are asking for personal use… Go to the ER *NOW* and tell them you are having suicidal thoughts, and have already begun making plans to do it.

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How much Bleach would you have to drink to kill yourself?
Q: I’m not suicidal or anything, but I’ve been wondering how much bleach it would take to die. I suppose it would depend on your weight. But what about an average person? Anyone have any ideas?
A: call poison control, it’s listed in the first few pages of your phone book.
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Q: My friends say if I get nervous it activates so it does nothing but doesn’t bleach kill everything. So if you drink bleach it should cleanse it I’ll die but it’ll be cleansed
A: This is stupid. Anyone who even thinks about drinking bleach needs to have their head examined. Bleach more than likely would not kill you but would destroy your esophagus and your stomach and you would have to be fed through a tube the rest of your life. It cannot kill existing viruses present on your skin, only on hard surfaces such as countertops, sinks, etc.
how much bleach would you have to drink to kill you?
A: Any amount of bleach will hurt you. I know a woman that chugged bleach in an attempt to kill herself. She didn’t die, but did have to have a Treacheotomy, and now has a big hole in her neck. In addition to the hole, she is unable to speak. Bleach is extremely caustic, so even if you don’t kill yourself, you will severely burn your mouth, throat and stomach, and any other internal organs that come in contact with the bleach.
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