How much are contacts if you have astigmatism

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That depends on the brand of contacts that are recommended for you. Speak with an ophthalmologist. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much are contacts if you have astigmatism
How much are astigmatism contacts?
Depends on your doctor and the name brand mostly. I went to Lenscrafters and paid $325 for the year. So roughly $27 bucks a month. They arent that bad and you can order them online I think its 1 800 contacts. Also check out a few of the maj…
How much do contacts cost for people with astigmatism??
I am near sighted with astigmatism and I have contacts. I have Baush & Lomb Toric lenses. I have the disposables that you wear for a month, then toss. If I remember correctly, they cost $150 for two boxes(6 pairs). It might be a differe…
How much are contacts that are suppose to treat Astigmatism??
One of my eyes is rated at 20/200 (the other has better eyesight) and the cost for both gas permeable hard contacts are about $120. I have astigmatism as well.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much are astigmatism contacts?
Q: I wear glasses for school, but now I think I need to wear them all the time. When shopping, it’s hard to look at the prices and stuff. I don’t want to wear my glasses all the time! I probably have astigmatism because I squint a lot.How much will a year supply of contacts with astigmatism cost? Oh, and my parents have insurance for me, will the check-up thinngy be free? I don’t get how insurance works. Thanks.
A: Just make sure that you request the least expensive brand. They’ve been forcing really expensive brands on me for years, when cheaper ones like acuvue (or however you spell it) can be good for astigmatism. DO NOT let them make you think that a more expensive brand will help “correct” it, because they do not work, I’ve been using one that should for over 3 years now, and it still gets slightly worse every time they do an exam..Yes, insurance should cover the exam if it says it covers the eye doctor visits, but it may or may not cover the actual lenses…
How much do contacts cost for people with astigmatism?
Q: I am near sighted and have been wanting contacts for awhile but i need to find out how much they are and how much they are if you have astigmatism. And if your astigmatism is to bad can you not get contacts?
A: I am near sighted with astigmatism and I have contacts. I have Baush & Lomb Toric lenses. I have the disposables that you wear for a month, then toss. If I remember correctly, they cost $150 for two boxes(6 pairs). It might be a different price for a different brand though. My vision is pretty bad, and I was still able to get them.
Can i wear ‘crazy’ contacts if i have astigmatism?
Q: I wear glasses everyday because i cant seem to find contacts that make my vision as good as with my glasses. I’m looking to get crazy contacts for my halloween costume (and wear them with my glasses). But i was wondering if they will stay in because i think i have astigmatism and im not sure if the standard would fit. Does that make sense? Oh..and the crazy contacts are obviously not prescription.
A: Having astigmatism won’t affect the fit of the lenses.
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