How many swine flu deaths have been reported

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So far there have been over 100 deaths because of the swine flu. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many swine flu deaths have been reported
Why have there been reported swine flu deaths in Mexico but not i…?
Scientists have not yet determined the reason why there are reported swine flu deaths in Mexico while cases in the United States have thus far been mild. The World Health Organization notes that the U.S. cases have all been confirmed by lab…
How many deaths have been reported from the swine flu??
There are 5,ooo,ooo,ooo deaths in the usa Wow, so you are saying there is no one left alive in the States anymore? The population of the USA is 304,000,000, less than your purported deaths from swine ‘flu. I want to know who those extra 4,…
How many Swine Flu deaths have been reported outside of Mexico??
only 1 a baby from mexico who died in texas.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many Swine Flu deaths have been reported outside of Mexico?
A: only 1 a baby from mexico who died in texas.
Do you think governments are covering up swine flu deaths?
Q: A lot of people think that governments are covering up deaths from swine flu to control the amount of panic injected into the world. Do you think they are doing this, i personally think that there are more cases than are being reported. Also do you think we will get a second wave in the Autumn or Winter?
A: Why would they for heaven’s sake?They are more likely to use the drama ‘to bury bad news’ about everything else (as has been done before)eg in 2001…Jo Moore apologised on Tuesday for sending a memo on the day of the US terror attacks saying it would be a good time to “bury” some controversial stories.
Swine flu in Canada…?
Q: Hey every body,I am having to do this report on “swine flu” in Canada and I have been able to answer every question except these,- how many reported swine flu/H1N1 deaths have been reported in Canada,- How long would it take you to travel from Mexico to Canada,- how many people fly to Canada per day/week/month and- what is the temperature (average) in Canada?I would appreciate ANY help for whatever you think may help… Thank you! I hope I am not being too lazy, I am just SO over all these WORK OVERLOADS..! High school is SO busy (and frantic)!Bye,Bells =PANY information you have about Canada or the influenza (H1N1/swine flu) would be GREAT =P
A: June 12th 2009…Canada – total cases 1795, total deaths 3 (2115 cases, 3 deaths – Health Canada)Toronto to Mexico city 5.5 to 6 hours. (to drive from Toronto to the US/Mexico Border at Laredo about 1 day 5 hours There are at least 49,315 commercial flights per day.According to dated stats from 2000, “…the world’s commercial jet airlines carried approximately 1.09 billion people on 18 million flights [that year]…” That divides out to over 49,000 per day and being2009, it’s probably more. Average temperatures, take your pick… local information…
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