How many stages of prostate cancer are there

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many stages of prostate cancer are there”,you can compare them.

There are 4 stages of Prostate Cancer. In stage I, cancer is found in the prostate only. In stage II, cancer is more MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many stages of prostate cancer are there
What Is Leiomyosarcoma?
Leiomyosarcoma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer involving the smooth muscles such as the lungs, liver, stomach or intestines. Although the cause is unknown, risk factors may include age,…
My man has stage 3 prostate cancer even though the blood test was…?
PSA test results report the level of PSA detected in the blood. The test results are usually reported as nanograms of PSA per milliliter (ng/ml) of blood. In the past, most doctors considered PSA values below 4.0 ng/ml as normal. However, r…
How is prostate cancer staged?
Prostate cancer has four different stages. 1) Stage I means that prostate cancer cannot be detected by rectal exam and causes no symptoms. The cancer is usually found during surgery to relieve problems with urination or during a screening P…

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A: Death
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Q: My dad was diagnosed of lung , and prostate or colon cancer on januarary 18, 2008. What stage cane he be in right now ?
A: check out these research groups
Prostate cancer stages and prostatitis?
Q: I had slighly elevated PSA but no nodule detected (twice in 3 months Febuary & April 2008) by Urologist. He suspected I had some sort of inflamation in the prostate and did not recommend biopsy because my free PSA is at 25%. He reassured me that if “I you had cancer, you are way ahead of the game”. It is now almost a year and I will have to do the PSA again and I think it is still high since I have some chronic protatitis symptoms such as little pelvic discomfort, little lower back pain (on & off). If I had prostate cancer stage 1 when I first saw the Urologist (no nodule and a year ago), can it be a lot worse after a year? I am now like in hell waiting for blood test results. Do you think I just have chronic prostatitis? I am only 38 and so scared. Thanks.
A: Chances are big that nothing has changed at all:it might be chronic:better ask your Dr that next time.And have a yearly blood test doneOr sooner if you get problems with peeing.Colors
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