How many people have died of swine flu in the US

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There are 2532 laboratory confirmed cases of H1N1 virus (swine flu) in 44 states, and 3 deaths from H1N1. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many people have died of swine flu in the US
How many people have died in the US from swine flu?
As of April 30th 2009, there have been 109 confirmed cases and 1 death in Texas Click on the link below for hourly updates from the CDC (Center for Disease Control):
How many people have died in the US due to h1f1 (swine) flu??
this will show u how many in your country and world wide…
Are people in the US going to die from the swine flu?! HELP! Im s…?
To correct some things here. They closed a, single, solitary school in New York. It’s a private school where eight students who had recently returned from Mexico fell ill. It’s also important to note that all eight have made full recoveries…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many people in the US have died of swine flu, so far?
A: As of July 6, 200 the cumulative total number of confirmed cases of swine flu worldwide was 94,512 confirmed cases and 429 deaths. World Mortality Rate: 0.45% (up from 0.42% on last update July 3).
How many people in the US have died of swine flu?
A: One website is reporting 211.
how many people have died in the US due to h1f1 (swine) flu?
Q: I’ve searched Google 1 billions times and I can not find the answer! Please answer truthfully (links are appreciated) and quickly. My dad and I have a bet and I swear there’s been several fatalities so far, while he says there’s been only 1. Thanks!
A: this will show u how many in your country and world wide
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