How many people get an STD a year

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In the United States, there are millions of new cases of STDs each year. Some People with an STD may not have any symptoms. 242242 [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many people get an STD a year
How many people die by STD every year?
Facts About STD * 65 million of people living in the US with STD * 15 million of new STD cases each year * 2/3 of all STD’s accrues in people 25 yrs of age or younger * 1 in 4 new STD’s accrues in teenagers * cervical cancer in women is lin…
What percent of sexually active young people are infected with a …?
The current rate is 25% of sexually active Americans between the ages of 15 and 25 are infected with a reportable STD each year; that is, one out of every four.

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how many people get an std each year?
Q: its a helth class question1. how many people live with an std each year2. latex condoms are the best kind when protectin again stds
A: Here is a link for the CDC that you can go to get some info.
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Q: its for a school paper i have to write thanks!
A: Do your own homework.
How many people get a STD in a Year?
A: “As early as 1996, WHO estimated that more than 1 million people were being infected daily. About 60% of these infections occur in young people <25 years of age, and of these 30% are <20 years. Between the ages of 14 and 19, STDs occur more frequently in girls than boys by a ratio of nearly 2:1; this equalizes by age 20″more than 1 million daily = more than 365 million per year.
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