How many people die every second

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On average, 1.78 people die every second. That is 107 per minute, 6390 per hour and 153 thousand per day. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many people die every second
How many people die every second?
1 and ur full of it ppl want full answers but im srry people no one rlly knows unless its answered corectly i dont know and ill be the first to tell u that i dont have the slightest clue srry =(
Where do most people die in floods?
In the southern states. If they are trapped on the road, or trapped in their home. Best bet is to get to higher ground. Ie; top of buildings, etc, etc.
How many people have died?
Reports on the numbers of people who have died in the conflict vary widely. Figures range from 200,000 to as high as 400,000. Violence is only one cause of death. Many people also died from illness and malnutrition, though the enormous huma…

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