How long does the swine flu usually last for

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Swine flu normally runs its course within about a week, at least as far as someone remaining contagious to others. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does the swine flu usually last for
How long does the swine flu usually last?
if you get the tami flu tablets you should feel better in two days, should go in about 4 depending on immune but you should be away for about a week or so, how long have you had it?
Does Swine Flu usually last this long?
I’ve heard that in some people there’s a lull after a couple of days and then it gets worse again before getting better. Stay out just to be safe, but try to do some homework so you don’t fall too far behind.

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how long does the swine flu usually last?
Q: i have it and i wanna go to my friends party on friday its monday but i dont wanna give it to everyone there how long does it last usually
A: if you get the tami flu tablets you should feel better in two days, should go in about 4 depending on immune but you should be away for about a week or so, how long have you had it?
How long does the Swine Flu fever usually last?
Q: How long does the Swine Flu last? My doctor said I have it. It started as a tickle in my throat last night. She also said that it’s been lasting 2-5 days among other college students. I’m 18, female and living in the dorms btw.I had a fever of 100 today. I took two Tylenol and it went down to 96.6 for quite a while. About 5 hrs later, the fever started to come back. It’s now at 100 again. I felt really nauseaous and almost threw up at one point tonight. My chest hurts a bit and I’m coughing. My muscles are very weak. My heart rate is increased. I do not have nasal/sinus symptoms yet. How long will the fever/nausea part last? I really don’t have as much of a problem with the runny nose and all….well i have a multivitamin every morning. I have a salad with minimal ranch. I eat a lot of fruit. I had an immunity boost in my Jamba Juice this morning. I just hope to god that my immune system will pull through.
A: I had it for grand total of 2 days, felt awful for the first day and a half then it just went. I think it depends on how good your immune system is though and I worked in a surgery for years so mines is awsome
How long does the h1n1 flu usually last?
Q: Well I am lucky enough to have caught the “swine” flu at school and now i’m sick. Anyway I’ve had a fever for 7 days so far (I’ve been taking motrin to bring it down) and I want to know when I will be well enough to go to school. Thanks
A: The H1N1 is almost the same as the regular flu. It is shorter but it’s symptoms are worse. So in the end, it all evens out. Oh high Five I have swine too! But its not so bad for me
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