How long does the flu generally last

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Symptoms (except the cough) usually disappear within 4 – 7 days. Sometimes, the fever returns. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does the flu generally last
How long does the flu generally last?
last week was my third week after having the flu… and by Tuesday was finally feeling like i was going to live. They say as long as you are running fever, you are contagious and need to stay in bed. 5-7 days is about average for the full b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does the flu generally last?
Q: I’m 2 or 3 days into the flu, I’m wondering how much longer It will last.
A: last week was my third week after having the flu… and by Tuesday was finally feeling like i was going to live. They say as long as you are running fever, you are contagious and need to stay in bed. 5-7 days is about average for the full blown flu, but your body will tell you longer because you will need to regain your strength. Any time you catch the flu, your chances of having a secondary infection is very high. I developed bronchitis (which can turn into pneumonia), my daughter developed an ear infection. …so be aware of that.drink lots of water so you dont dehydrate. sorry you’re feeling yucky… its no fun!good luck to you.
How long stomach flu?
Q: How long does the stomach flu generally last? Today is my 2nd day having it and the only thing that has improved is i can eat very little and drink water without throwing it up 10minutes later and i dont have diarria as badly as yesterday. I also bearly have any stomach cramps at all today. How long does it generally last? The only real symptoms i have now is im achy and weak.
A: If you are able to eat without vomitting, it sounds like you are improving. Sometimes it takes a few days to get back to normal. The vomitting usually tapers off within 24 hrs but the diarrhea (which is contagious) can last for many days. Practice good hand washing. Good luck and God bless.
how long does the flu last if it isn’t the 24 hour flu?
Q: I think I have the flu…woke up Saturday morning feeling nauseated and throwing up…was sick all day…felt generally better Sunday, but still had quezy stomach but had stopped vomiting..then last night and all through this morning have been vomiting and dry heaving.
A: What you are describing is a stomach bug, which is different from the actual “flu”. Depending on what kind of stomach virus you have (or food poisoning), it can last from 2 days to a week. If you can’t keep food down after 3 days, you should see a doctor to see if there is something seriously wrong.
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