How long does it take for your big toe to heal if it is broken

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A big toe can take 6-8 weeks to heal. Elevation with you in bed and ice are the secret to speeding the healing process. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take for your big toe to heal if it is broken
How long will it take for my broken big toe to heal??
As long as you follow doctors orders, about 6-8 weeks. Your big toe is what balances your weight in your feet, so you might feel off balance for awhile.
How long does a broken big toe take to heal?
Ouch…I feel your pain! I broke my little toe a year or so ago and it was agony! It took several weeks (6 ish) strapped to the next toe before the pain subsided and I could manage without the strapping. Even now, if i knock it, I know I ha…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long will it take for my broken big toe to heal?
Q: It doesn’t hurt at all, but it is broken. My doctor put me in a boot cast and wanted me to tape up my toe to prevent it from moving while i walk.
A: As long as you follow doctors orders, about 6-8 weeks. Your big toe is what balances your weight in your feet, so you might feel off balance for awhile.
How long does a broken big toe take to heal?
A: 4 to 6 weeks
How long does a broken toe take to heal?
Q: I broke my big toe about 3 weeks ago, and it still has a shoot pain when I put too much pressure on it. Its really got me down, because I practice my kicking drills in martial arts. How long do broken toes take to heal? I think ive been doing all the right things,using traditional medicine and nutrtion, but I have been lazy and not wrapping it up every day.
A: i broke my pinky toe in high school! it sucked soo bad it took a couple weeks and it was soo sore. it felt like it took forever. Just keep off of it while it heals and wear a tight sock on that foot.
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