How long does it take for viruses and bacteria to die

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Depending on the type and the environment, it could take a few hours to as long as weeks for the strain to die. Thanks, ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take for viruses and bacteria to die
How long does it take for bacteria to die? from noro virus??
Many hospitals give it 48 hours before they place patients/doctors and nurses back on a ward. :]

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how long does it take for bacteria to die? from noro virus?
Q: my uncle recently had the noro virus, and i would like to no, how long after getting rid of it, if there is still bacteria in the house, how long will it take for that bacteria to die, for example if there were a small bit of bacteria on the floor, how long would it take for it to die?
A: Many hospitals give it 48 hours before they place patients/doctors and nurses back on a ward. :]
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Q: es esta pagina link most important information dissemination my.Not that, but I can make your text too long jajaja.If I write bad is that I am leading a translator jaja
A: wow. Looks like you had allot of thought to this. My thoughts to this. People have been drinking milk for positively centuries and millenia. If you like it, drink it. If you don’t, don’t.
How do you feel about the first chapter of this book?
Q: 23 years ago, September 11, 2001 to be exact, a deadly virus was unleashed onto the world. It originated in a small town in L.A. where a group of government researchers were stationed by the Untied States government. These researchers were hired to study a strange foreign liquid organism which they named Lasko after it founder James F. Lasko. The origin and appearance of the organism itself remains unknown. Even though the Government knew from Lasko’s notes that this organism was extremely fatal and could effect the entire world, they preceded to study it alone and in secrecy in hopes of creating a biological weapon. Upon studying the organism, the scientists mixed it with numerous chemicals and genetically engineered others in hopes of containing the power of Lasko. This was not the case. The scientists did not contain the organism; they made it 10x times more powerful and 10x more ruthless. Before the accident, Lasko would infect it victims like a virus and would kill it’s host in an hour max. The side effects included mass hysteria and organ failure. The only advantage the scientists had over Lasko was it’s small range of infection; it could only spread from contact with the organism itself and could not jump from host to host. In fact, if Lasko had not been such an important scientist himself, it would be quite possible that no one would have found his cold, long dead body on the floor of his loft in Oregon. It would be quite possible that no one would have flipped through his notes and found his research on this odd organism, and it would be quite possible that this deadly evil would have died right there in Lasko’s body. But as it is, the organism was harvested from Lasko’s blood stream and was studied by those idiot scientists in their small lab in Los Angeles, CA., where an accident, a small mix up where a dirty specimen tray was used instead of a clean one, turned Lasko into the fastest air and touch spreading epidemic the world has ever screen.The new strain killed everyone inside the lab in seconds, and was carried out by a drain pipe. It killed 3/4 of the CA population in a day, and spread to the entire world in weeks, carried out by air planes, post carriers, food trade, you name it. It would kill anyone in its path in a manner of seconds. Many thought the strain was a curse from God to rid the world of life, the non-religious ones just called it an end. In fact, because of its deadliness and its fatalities, the strain was renamed the XYZ Strain after the last 3 letters of the alphabet. After 19 years, all sign of life on the surface was destroyed. Survivors began living underground almost immediately after the word was spread. The only thing that saved the world from complete starvation was cloning. Of course the overly religious people refused at first, but many of them decided that life was more important than morals. So much for those beliefs. Sure, there were attempts to find a cure, but the virus keep advancing at alarming rates until everyone just gave up studying and simply ran for their lives. With the virus left with nothing t feed off of, it was merely a case of waiting for it to die. After a good year and a half, we started rebuilding.It wasn’t hard. A few building were burned down in a few riots, and loads of farming was to be done, but the worst was the clean up. The XYZ strain had a very strange effect on the bodies of the infected. Since the virus could no longer feed off of common organisms, it began to feed of of bacteria and other unicellular organisms, including the one that rots our bodies after death. After the virus died out, bacteria raised its annoying little heads not soon after we did, but it wasn’t quick enough to feed off of the corpses that decorated the streets of the world. Faces perfectly preserved, body in perfect condition. It was like the person was there, but they could not speak, move, or even breath for that matter. It was a terrible thing to experience. Mothers, Fathers, sons, daughters, and so on were lost. So few had anyone left in the world. Many took their own lives, too haunted by the faces of loved ones to continue living. But the most hideous effect of this virus is not what it itself did to the human population, but what it unleashed upon them. For thousands of years, demons have lived on this Earth. 23 years ago, the average person would be sending me to the coco nest, but now demons are common knowledge. Most of them are evil, murderous creatures stuck in hidious forms as effect of their low power and understanding (these lower level demons are called hell hounds), but other more powerful demons are born into this world in human form and can blend in as one (these are simply referred to as devils). Their human likeness may not change them. Although devils are capable of a higher understanding, most of them hate the sight of humans and will do what ever they can to destroy them in some way. All demons were once humans. They alAll demons were once humans. They all once had souls, but some event in their life cursed their souls with damnation and they were sent to hell after death. It should be of no surprise to you that a person changes after being tortured. 1 year can be like a thousand in hell, so imagine what 23 can do to a young women who has done nothing wrong in her life, but has been cursed simply because of what flows within her blood.Crap. Sorry, I forgot to mention that it is an introduction to a story and that the characters will be introduced later on.Grrr, damn you grammar! …Okay, I’ll be honest: I can’t write. ALthough I think my stories are pretty good and would love to start a series…if only I have talent! WHYYYYYYYYYYY?! T_T
A: Except for dates, you’re not supposed to use numbers in full. You have no introduction to the eventfulness of the virus being unleashed. You don’t explain how the virus was unleashed, you have a lot of sentences that should be one. You haven’t melded all the the information and detail very well. You shouldn’t use parenthesis where two commas can be used for the same effect. There aren’t any characters. There isn’t any dialog. You haven’t described – in great detail, mind you – how the world functions 23 years later. This cannot be worth a chapter, this might work as an introduction or a synopsis; a suggestion of a book/plot.
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