How long does it take an ingrown hair to go away

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does it take an ingrown hair to go away”,you can compare them.

Ingrown hairs can last from several days to 2 weeks. Try exfoliating the area and then moisturizing to speed up the process. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take an ingrown hair to go away
How long does it take an ingrown hair (on the face) to go away, o…?
That’s a tough one. I have had some that came to a head in days, other took much longer, some not at all. Be careful in trying to get it out. Let it grow for a few days, and see if it comes near the surface where you can get at it with a tw…
How long does it take for ingrown hair scars to fade away/go away…?
I had ingrown hairs around my bikini area – probably 1 or 2 a day – until I got laser hair removal about 1 year ago. I used Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Moisturizer with Alpha/Beta Hydroxy Acids and I don’t have any scarring. It took about…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take for an ingrown hair to go away naturally?
A: Its hard for me to say because I used to let them just stay to keep from scarring and see if they would go away but it never made any moves until I tweezed the hair out. sometimes I wud just let it be then it wud start hurting and I cudnt take it. if u could just puncture the surface barely and then get the hair out. if there is pus gently squeeze it and then get hair out. immediately put alcohol on it to dry it up and keep it from infecting. doing this has never left any scars for me.
How long does it take an ingrown hair (on the face) to go away, on its own?
Q: Have had it for 2 days, no white head/puss, just inflamed, and hurts when touched/pressure applied..
A: That’s a tough one. I have had some that came to a head in days, other took much longer, some not at all. Be careful in trying to get it out. Let it grow for a few days, and see if it comes near the surface where you can get at it with a tweezer.
How long does it take for ingrown hair scars to fade away/go away?
A: I had ingrown hairs around my bikini area – probably 1 or 2 a day – until I got laser hair removal about 1 year ago. I used Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Moisturizer with Alpha/Beta Hydroxy Acids and I don’t have any scarring. It took about 1-2 months to properly fade away. Even after all those years of ingrown hairs. And my skin is really smooth now that there’s no more hair.
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