How long does Constipation last

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does Constipation last”,you can compare them.

For some only hours, for others days. Make sure to drink plenty of water and take some fiber. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does Constipation last
It really depends. I would suggest your dad drinks lots of water and juice (lemon, orange and grapefruit are the best). Also your dad should eat some fruits and vegetables and if you have some whole grain bread (good source of dietary fiber…
Changes in the diet usually relieve constipation. When your child is better, be sure to continue the nonconstipating diet so that is doesn’t happen again. Occasionally changes in diet may not relieve the constipation, or children will not e…
Hi Suzi, I was sent home with a bottle of stool softener when I left the hospital. I carried on taking it for 2 weeks, gradually reducing the dose in the second week, I know I would have been in real trouble if I hadnt been doing this. This…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does constipation last..?
Q: How long does one cycle of constipation last?
A: That depends entirely on what is causing the constipation and what you are doing to alleviate the problem.
how long does constipation last for mother after birth?
A: The doc gave me a stool softener. I had a vaginal delivery with a few stitches, so constipation would have been horrible! I would get a stool softener, it really helped.
Constipation during Pregnancy : How long does it last ?
Q: Although I’m not absolutely positive that I am pregnant, I’m pretty sure I am. I should be I a little over a month in to the pregnancy, and I was experiencing a bit of constipation, around now is it normal for the constipation to start easing up and my bowels should be moving more frequently ? I’ve noticed I haven’t been much constipated anymore, but I was for a few weeks.
A: I’ve had it my entire pregnancy. Just 2 days ago I had to go to the ER because of an impaction. 🙁 Drink lots of water, eat fibrous foods, take a colace a day. Don’t let it get bad, because lemme tell you… that was some serious pain.
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