How long do cold sores last

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How long do cold sores last”,you can compare them.

Cold Sores last from 8-12 days and come from the Herpes virus. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long do cold sores last
The cold sore should go away in 7 to 10 days, but once a person contracts the virus, he will have it for his whole life. It may remain dormant, and never show symptoms again, or it may crop up from time to time during his life, causing cold…
Medical research in England found that many people with cold sores were low in B12, and that by adding 250 mcg. of B12 the condition improved rapidly. This research also suggested taking B complex supplements with emphasis on the B12 and fo…
The blisters will rupture, scab over, and dry up. The whole process takes 10 to 14 days. The sores do not cause scars. Treatment can shorten the course by many days.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long do cold sores last and what can I do to speed the process along?
Q: This morning I noticed a small irritation on my upper lip, sure enough, I have a cold sore. This is only my second cold sore, the first being about a year and a half ago. I don’t remember how long it actually lasted, but I know it seemed like forever. I think it comes from the combination of stress, and tanning in a bed 2 days in a row. Yesterday, I thought I felt my lip tingle while I was tanning. This is the case for both cold sores. How can I speed up the process? How long do they usually last? I certainly won’t mess with it. I want this unsightly blister off of my lip a.s.a.p.!!!
A: abreva. go buy some now!
How long does cold sores last?
Q: i been have cold sores for 2 months already… n i been taking treatment for it…. its like alot of little white bubbles under my lip skin, i guess its a cold sore…. but how long does an average cold sore last for you?
A: Each cold sore will last for around 1-2 weeks. There are usually 5 days or so where it hurts the most, and then it will gradually start to fade. Unfortunately, since it is an outbreak of a viral infection (oral herpes), there is no cure and the only think you can do is make it more comfortable. Coating it with something not water-soluble (like Vaseline) or using the occasional over-the-counter anesthetic (like Ambesol, or however you spell it) can help.I get them too, and they’re worse in the winter.
How long do cold sores usually last?
Q: I think I have a cold sore. It showed up on my lower lip three days ago and hurts quite a lot. Its my first one. How long do they last? Is there anything I can do to get rid of it sooner cause its getting on my nerves? And how often am I going to be getting these?
A: about 15 days…u can try abbreva it suppose to cut the healing time in half…. u will continue to get sores when your body is run down or u are under stress….. so try to take good care of yourself and u will see a difference!! good luck!
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