How long do canker soars last

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How long do canker soars last”,you can compare them.

Untreated canker sores last about 1 to 2 weeks. Canker sores are not contagious. They can be quite painful. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long do canker soars last
What causes canker sores?
The cause of canker sores is not well understood. More than one cause is likely, even for individual patients. Canker sores do not appear to be caused by viruses or bacteria, although an allergy to a type of bacterium commonly found in the …
How long do canker sores last?
Canker sores can last for a while depending on what your eating. If your eating certain foods like junk food and foods with lots of sugar or acidy drinks like soda then your canker will last awhile unless u treat it by swishing around warm …
How long does canker sores last when treated??
Canker sores typically last from 1 to 3 weeks. Treatment may reduce the time slightly, but the treatment is mostly aimed at reducing discomfort.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Canker soars?
Q: Ok so I got a canker soar about days agoand it hurts really bad. I got this gel to put onit called G.U.M and it doesn’t stick on my soarat all. It comes right off. What is another goodmedication I can use to help it? How long dothey last? And is there anything else other thanmedicine that will help heal it?Thanks
A: you should gargel with salt, it urns but REALLY works! also if it doesnt go away then eat alot of yogurt and take vitamin c!! theres not much that a medicine can do but home remedies always work for megood luckxxxx
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