How long do bruised heel bones last

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Bruised heel bones vary in healing time depending on the severity. It’s important to rest until there is no more pain. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long do bruised heel bones last
How long does a bone bruise heel?
normal I am around your weight. My bathroom door fell off its hinges (due to an overly heavy mirror attached to it) and hit my elbow. It has been a little over 3 weeks, and it is still bruised and aching.
How can I fix bone bruising of the heel?
SSince you are invested in sport’s as a semi-pro,I would only do what the Orthopedic and Sports MD’s prescribe for your treatment. Stay away from the any treatments that promise you a “total or miracle” cure They cost the moon,and…
What is the best treatment for a bone bruise on the heel??
Rub vanilla extract on it, or Arnica cream if you got any. Don’t know why it works or where the idea came from, but it works pretty good on about any bruises.
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