How long can a heart attack last

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How long can a heart attack last”,you can compare them.

There is no “rule of thumb” on the length of how long a heart attack can last.Thanks for asking ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long can a heart attack last
Dont listen to the ones that tell you that you WILL die from a heart attack..A person may..but it’s not a certainty. There are several mitigating factors. Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have a family history of cardiac problems …
3-30 seconds long
A heart attack itself may last several minutes when the symptoms are present. However, because of the damage it causes and the way the heart tries to cope with it, in those people who survive a heart attack, the consequences last a lot long…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long can heart attack symptoms last?
Q: I’ve had chest discomfort for almost 2 months now. The discomfort always goes away when I press down on parts of my ribs. However, the slight pain always occurs in different parts of the left chest. I’ve also been having jaw discomfort that feels like a growing pimple in the area where the neck joins the lower jaw on both sides of my face. My doctors did an EKG, listened to my heart beat, did an x-ray, tested my blood, and said I am fine. I am 16 years old and I am afraid I might have a heart attack. Any suggestions?
A: An ECG will have revealed if you have had a heart attack, also a blood test will have shown something.When I was 28 I had a heart attack and had no jaw ache, no pain on my left side, just a crushing feeling in the centre of my chest. I thought I was OK cause I didnt have any of the above ‘commonly’ reported symptons ( I thought that you were only having a heart attack if you felt shooting pains down your left arm) – Bottom line, never take chances with chest pain, whatever your age. By all means get a second opinion on the chest pain, but after the tests you’ve had I would rule out heart problems.Also, a high percentage of patients who have sufferred a heart attack dont get any Jaw pain or left sided shooting pains. If this is your guide to deciding whether you are having a heart attack, you could be putting yourself in danger.
how long will a heart attack last ?
Q: If you go for a walk and the pain subsides, would that indicate that the pain was NOT caused by a heart attack? I’ve had a gall bladder attack before, but this time the pain did not radiate through to my back. It was intense enough to bring tears to my eyes though. I have an appt. coming up Monday, to see my doctor… do you think I should wait that long to see him?
A: Dont listen to the ones that tell you that you WILL die from a heart attack..A person may..but it’s not a certainty. There are several mitigating factors. Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have a family history of cardiac problems of any sort? And the say it was severe..was is crushing? was it sharp and stabbing? Not all gall bladder attacks radiate to the back..and not all heart attacks do either. Are you male or female? What is your age? Honestly, nobody on here can tell you whether or not the pain is or IS NOT cardiac in origin.I would strongly suggest if the pain continues and you have any of the symptoms or existing conditions I mentioned above, call your physician or go to your local ER.
How long does a heart attack last for?
Q: I woke up from a deep sleep with pain in my chest and thought it was heartburn. That lasted about 5 mins. before two fingers on my left hand went numb. The scary thing is its been 30 mins. and I still got these going on
A: A heart attack can last for days. You need medical attention to stop it. It is generally caused by a blockage of an artery in your heart that causes heart muscle to begin to die. The heartbeat is controlled by an electrical pulse and the dead tissue interupts that pulse which causes an erratic heartbeat. The pulse has to be corrected to stop it. The heart attack untreated will continue until enough of the heart tissue has died and it causes it to quit working which means you will die. Women have been known to think they have heartburn that isn’t going away. They have cleaned house, ran errands, cooked a meal, tended to their kids and put them to bed, then when they get to a doctor they find out that they have severe heart damage. Most people however do not make it long enough to stay alive the entire day. The symptoms and damage depends on where the blockage is. I would urge you to go to the closest er or to call 911 NOW.
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