How long after being exposed to the flu do symptoms begin to show

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How long after being exposed to the flu do symptoms begin to show”,you can compare them.

Influenza is a contagious viral disease of the respiratory tract. The time from first exposure to symptoms is one to four days. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long after being exposed to the flu do symptoms begin to show
How long after being exposed to someone with the flu would you be…?
As early as tonight (like scratchy throat, fatigue or other minor symptoms) with bigger symptoms the following day.

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How long after being exposed to someone with the flu would you begin to show symptoms?
Q: Say i were around someone today and contracted the virus, how long until symptoms would show up? What if I were around someone with it last week and I still have showed no symptoms, does that mean I likely did not catch it?
A: As early as tonight (like scratchy throat, fatigue or other minor symptoms) with bigger symptoms the following day.
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