How is Constipation caused

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In your digestive system, if too much water is absorbed or if the waste moves too slowly, you may become constipated. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is Constipation caused
What causes constipation?
Hard, dry stools are the result of the colon absorbing too much water. Normally, as food moves through the colon (also known as the large intestine) the colon absorbs water while forming stool (waste products). Muscle contractions then push…
What Is Constipation?
How does fiber help with constipation? To know that, we must know what constipation is, and to fully understand how constipation occurs, we must understand what happens when we eat. When food is consumed, the food travels down and eventual…
Do bananas cause constipation?
For Constipation fiber. Foods that are high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain bread, can help prevent constipation. Fiber can’t be digested, so it helps clean out the intestines by moving the bowels along, while a diet f…

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I need advice on what to do about severe constipation caused by diet pills?
Q: I am taking a diet pill prescribed by my doctor and I really don’t want to stop taking it b/c I am finally losing the weight I need to lose but it is causing some major constipation problems that I can’t seem to get under control. I have tried stool softeners and laxatives. They aren’t working very well. Any advice on what to do?But how do I treat the bm now that is hard and hurts to pass? Will a suppository help loosen the bm that is already hard?
A: First of all talk to the doctor that prescribed the pills. If you do what he says and its still not working you might want to add something to your diet. These foods incourage bowel movements: White grape juice, apple juice, prunes, applesauce, peas, popcorn, vitamin C (this will definitely work. increase dosage gradually till your stools are normal), oranage juice, black walnut hull tincture (30 drops a day, this will definitely work too. you can find it at any health food store or online).
What can I take for constipation caused by my pain meds?
Q: I can’t go off the pain meds due to the pain being chronic and severe, however I don’t want to have surgery for the chronic constipation. I can’t seem to find anything that works well. Long term or quickly. I need HELP.
A: Two totally gross words that should to the trick: Coffee Enema
Does anybody know how long it takes for thyroxine to reverse constipation caused by hypothyroidism?
Q: The questions says it all. How long does it take to reverse severe constipation once started taking thyroxine?
A: It will take about 1-2 weeks for the full affect of thyroxine to help all of your Hypothyroid symptoms. I was severely Hypo when i started my synthroid and i felt better within a few days but it took 1 week to straighten out my bowel issues (constipation, ect..) I would try a stool softener of prune juice to help speed things along while your waiting for your meds to fully take affect.
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