How is a wart formed

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How is a wart formed”,you can compare them.

Warts are caused by a virus known as the papova virus. The numerous strains of papova virus that cause the common wart are MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is a wart formed
How is a wart formed?
Warts are actually consisting of viral infection which is why they are hard to get rid of.
How and why do wart’s form?
Common warts are noncancerous skin growths caused by a virus called the human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus causes a rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of your skin. There are 60 or more types of HPV. Some types tend to cause warts…
What causes a wart to form?
There are all different kinds of warts. I used to have one. On the edge of my hand. I froze it off. But it came back. i got pretty mad. They com from touching a person that has a wart. Touching animals that have diseases. Lots of different …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How are warts formed and how can you get rid of them?
Q: I have one that popped up some years ago on the back of my neck, a little one, and it just grew a couple millimeters. My friends often mistake it for a small bug or foreign object, and either slap it or try to tear it off. What is the best solution and info on it?
A: warts are caused by a virus, you can’t really kill the virus but you can do a couple things to get rid of them, either go to the dr and get it frozen off (it doesn’t really hurt that don’t worry just stings a little) or you can get some stuff at the pharmacy that will slowly burn it off, its a form of acid (again sounds worse than it is, occaisonally burns a little but not bad) doing this though can take a while you have to do it everyday for a while so just getting the dr to take it off is probably the best
What is the chance of pregnacy is you are taking the pill and st johns wart?
Q: I am taking st johns wart liquid form, but am also on the pill. I have heard that there is a slight chance of pregnancy. Has anyone got any answers or experience with this?
A: The pill is 99% affectiveSt. Johns wart however is not birth control nor should it be taken with birth control… your doctor!
My son had a wart on his leg frozen today. It has formed a blister now. Is it OK to pop it?
A: I had the exact same thing happen to my leg they used nitrogen, you can pop it, it will form a scar, or you can wait, and let it heal….The choice is yours. Hope this helped – J
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