How does vomiting occur

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There are numerous causes of nausea and vomiting. These symptoms may be due to the following: central causes (signals from MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does vomiting occur
Why does vomiting occur?
Vomiting is common in children. Often vomiting occurs along with diarrhea and is caused by a virus. Other infections, excitement and coughing may also cause vomiting. Gastroesophageal reflux can also cause vomiting. If your child is an infa…
Why does vomiting occur after shooting up heroin?
because your body doesn’t like it the illegal drug so it tries to get rid of it
How long does vomiting occur after anesthesia?
That depends on you. Some people do not get sick at all. Some throw up for days. If you are at increased risk for post operative nausea and vomiting (PONV), your anesthesiologist will give you medication to help prevent it. Increased risk =…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does vomiting occur after anesthesia?
A: That depends on you. Some people do not get sick at all. Some throw up for days.If you are at increased risk for post operative nausea and vomiting (PONV), your anesthesiologist will give you medication to help prevent it. Increased risk = young, female, non-smoker, history of motion sickness, and certain types of operations.If it really worries you, request a scopolomine patch (Transderm Scop) which you put on before the surgery and can leave on for up to 3 days. That can also help with nausea from the pain medications that you’re on after the surgery.My anti-emetic cocktail for patients consists of dexamethasone and ondansetron. If they are proven pukers, they get the Scop patch, and I make a few changes in the anesthetic technique.
Why does the side effect of nausea and/or vomiting sometimes occur with stronger antibiotics?
Q: and how does one combat the side effect?and how does one combat the side effects?
A: Antibiotics can cause food to leave your stomach too quickly, causing N/V. Other antibiotics may increase intestinal contractions, speeding up the rate at which food moves through your small intestine and contributing to diarrhea.
When does the average symptom of vomiting and nausea occur?
Q: Im 6wks pregnant, and have been feeling unwell (nausea) for about 3wks, and its only today i really though i was going to throw up, when did you start being sick? and how long did it last?
A: I started with the nausea around 7-8 weeks it was horrible all through the first trimester it really knocked me out. At around the 12 week mark it eased up alot.To this day I still throw up every morning but thats it. 1 good chuck and i’m on with the rest of my day it’s just like a normal routine for me now… Everyone IS different though so no one can really give you a straight answer on this, all we can do is share our experiences but as you’ll notice we’re all different..Good luck and i hope you don’t get too sick cause it’s not the most fun part of pregnancy.. :o)
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