How does one get rid of canker sores

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Try rinsing your mouth with a solution of tsp. salt dissolved in 8 ounces of water. Medications are available over the counter [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does one get rid of canker sores
・ 1 Figure out if you are allergic to certain foods. A major cause for canker sores is food allergies…. ・ 2 Be gentle with your toothbrush. poking your gums or mouth too hard while brushing also causes outbreaks… ・ 3 Relax. Stress is a …
While canker sores do usually go away on their own, they can be painful and easily agitated. As far as I know of there are only remedies that minimize the pain and irritation of them, and no outright cure. For home remedies, the best two op…
There is not a lot that you can do when you get a canker sore. It has to run it’s course. There are some over the counter medications that can give you temporary relief when used. There is one called Tanac. Another called Glyoxide. These ar…

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how to get rid or canker sores quickly, i’ve tried medicine it did not help one bit so besides medicine?
Q: i have horrible canker sores. i can’t enjoy my food, i can’t smile or bend my lip down, and it hurts to talk because that involves moving my mouth. i can’t even chew gum anymore. how do i get rid of them? please don’t say medicine, cuz i have tried that and it ain’t helping one bit. this canker has been with me for at least a week.
A: bite em it hurts but it cuts the time u have them and my old science teacher said if u grind sugar in them it gets rid of em
Does anyone know of ways to get rid of canker sores?
Q: I’m trying lime with salt as you read this. I think it might be helping, it burns like hell and I’m unconsciously crying from the pain.But does anyone know easier less painful ways? For future references.Oh and I get them frequently, whereas my friend has never had one in her life? Does anyone know the reason behind that?
A: Hmm.. your best bet is to just leave it alone. Things like lime and salt will irritate it even worse and make it stay there longer. Stay away from spicy,sour fooods and it should go away naturally within a few days.
What is the quickest way to get rid of Canker sores?
Q: I play trumpet and have juries (they’re like finals for playing) on monday (aka, tomorrow). I just had 3 canker sores pop up inside my bottom lip, one big one medium, and one small.What can I do to get rid of them? How quick will it work?Big W: Canker sores are not herpes…Cold sores are.
A: I actually had a REALLY bad one a year ago. I found an over the counter canker sore patch. the brand name i bought is called Quantum Health Canker’s a small round clear sponge-like patch that you put directly over the canker. it has a small amount of pain reliever in it, and i lasts 8-12 hrs. it dissolved slowly. they aren’t too expensive either. i found it at Wal*Mart near the orajel (other oral meds).Big W:A canker sore is not herpes…good lord. it’s something you can get from biting the inside of your mouth on accident, or from constant pressure on the lips/cheeks (such as playing an instrument). ever do that? hurts like hell huh? that’s what a canker is. Grow up.
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