How does one contract viral pink eye

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How does one contract viral pink eye”,you can compare them.

Poor hand-washing is the main cause of the spread of pinkeye. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does one contract viral pink eye
How do you contract viral pink eye?
Viral pink eye is the most common form of pink eye. You can catch the illness the same way you catch any other virus – like the flu or common cold. More than likely you touched a viral source and then rubbed your eyes, mouth etc. Keep a clo…
How do I get rid of viral pink eye?
There is actually a kind of pink eye that is caused by wearing contacts. So you need to check that out. There is no particular treatment for viral pink eye. If it is an allergy that is causing your difficulty you may need anti-inflammatory …
What does Viral Pink Eye mean?
Viral Pink Eye is when bacteria and germs that infect your eye(s), which causes them to turn pink, and in some cases burn, itch, and/or swell. It is accommadated with a very sore, swollen throat. It is like regular Pink Eye in a way, but ta…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you contract viral pink eye?
A: Viral pink eye is the most common form of pink eye. You can catch the illness the same way you catch any other virus – like the flu or common cold. More than likely you touched a viral source and then rubbed your eyes, mouth etc.Keep a close eye (no pun intended) on your symptoms, and if they do not resolve within 14 days, check back your physician – as you may have a bacterial infection – requiring antibiotics. good luck
can a hamster contract human diseases?
Q: in this case, viral pink’s just a random question.
A: You cannot give pink eye to a hamster, but you can get it from not washing your hands after handling the hamster and touching your eye. Pink eye is a generalized term referring to any infection of the eye.
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